ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere
ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere
Other Resources
- OTV Issues
- COTV-129: Able perform operations from OTV that is restricted to a user created from json file on ONTAP
- COTV-3201: OTV 10.2 does not clean up failed "Add Storage" attempt
- COTV-4365: OTV modifies existing export-policy rule while mounting datastore to host.
- COTV-4745: Datastore and VM reports is not getting refreshed
- COTV-5040: OTV modifies existing custom policy when deleting a datastore
- COTVC-1279: Greyed out options when editing a Datastore through ONTAP Tools for VMware
- COTVC-1330: SRA reprotect failed: Failed to sync data on replica devices
- COTVC-1371: Large number of ONTAP quotas causes OTV discoveries to fail
- COTVC-1387: Adding direct SVM fails on a cluster which is SAML enabled
- COTVC-1393: SRA Reprotect fails on sync mirror when "enable.concurrent.reprotect.operation" is enabled
- COTVC-1626: OTV: ONTAP version not supported in VSC users roles JSON file
- COTVC-1686: New subsystems created by VASA are not used when namespace mapping count reaches 500
- COTVC-764: VASA Provider raises alert "SAN PE is not operational"
- VASA Provider raises alert "SAN PE is not operational"
- Storage Replication Adapter
- Authentication to cluster from OTV (Modify) results in http 401 error
- Configure SRA on the SRM appliance using OTV 10 fails
- Discovered duplicate array in Site Recovery Manager
- Discovery fails with SRM - Fan-Out configuration
- Discover devices fails with "Unable to find a matching device at the local site for the remote device"
- Enabled array pair not found in SRM array discovery
- Error Timed out (300) seconds while waiting to complete 'discoverArrays' command
- Error: SRA service is either not available or not enabled
- Failed to enable SRA and VASA service on VSC
- Failed to promote replica device error in SRM / SRA
- Failed to sync data on replica devices. SRA command 'syncOnce' failed
- Storage Replication Adapter: 'fault.ReplicationFault.summary' error when performing a Planned Migration on vVol datastores
- How to create a service account in vCenter for only allowing VSC/SRM Functions
- How to Deploy NetApp SRA to SRM Appliance
- How to disable SNMP traps set by Storage Replication Adapter and VASA Provider
- How to disable the concurrent reprotect operations in SRA
- How to log into Site Recovery Manager (SRM) Appliance Management
- How to remove snap-xx prefix applied to recovered datastore names after a successful completion of recovery.?
- How to troubleshoot test failover issues in SRA
- How to update storage credentials on OTV, VSC and SRA
- How to upgrade the Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) for the SRM photon appliance
- Incorrect status 'Failover in Progress' is reported for SRA in SRM
- Installation of Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) 4.0 client fails with "Invalid credentials"
- Is Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)/VASA Provider enabled in the default settings?
- Is there any impact with clusterAddBasic remaining disabled after the version upgrade
- LIF for IP not found on SVM StorageControllerBean
- NetApp Storage Replication Adapter 4.0/7.X for ONTAP Sizing Guide
- "No storage adapters installed" when SRA password uses special character
- "No storage replication adapters installed" in Windows SRM environment
- ONTAP Tools: Storage Replication Adapter discovers snapmirror relationships outside of the array pair
- ONTAP Tools: webCli and SRA do not function due to password expiration
- OTV: switched the NetApp authentication to SAML and SRA stopped working
- OTV : Insufficient NetApp SRA user account role permissions
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM) reprotect complete with "There are '1' warnings for ..."
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM) Reprotect is failing with Error "Timed out (300 seconds) while waiting for SRA to complete "
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM) throws a 'dr.storage.fault.LocalizableAdapterFault' when calling SRA
- SRA: Cannot enable array pair due to differing names in cluster peering
- Installation of SRA 4.0P1 client plugin hangs at server IP and password
- SRA 9.8 TestFailover fails during SyncOnce task when use Synchronous SnapMirror relationships
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA configuration fails with "No storage replication adapters installed."
- SRA command 'prepareFailover' failed
- SRA command 'discoverArrays' failed
- SRA command 'discoverArrays' failed didn't return a response on both Protected and DR
- SRA command 'discoverArrays' failed Insufficient privleges for direct SVM service account
- SRA command 'discoverDevices' failed. Authentication failed
- SRA command 'discoverDevices' failed. Check cluster or SVM management IP and pingable
- SRA command error: 'discoverDevices' failed. Authentication failed due to incompatibility
- SRA command "testFailoverStart" failed. Storage port not found Either Storage port information provided in NFS list is incorrect
- SRA discoverArrays fails because a different account is used
- SRA discoverArrays fails because the OTV build versions are different
- SRA discoverArrays fails because the SVM's root volume security style is set to NTFS
- SRA discoverArrays fails because the SVM user account password changed in ONTAP
- SRA discoverArrays fails because the SVM user is missing privileges
- SRA discoverArrays fails because the 'vsadmin' account was used
- SRA discover command fails with error: storage IP is not defined or valid
- SRA ERROR has occured
- SRM test failover fails because vmx is located on a non-replicated or non-protected datastore
- SRA reprotect completes with warning "Unable to mimic Replication settings for device"
- SRA reprotect fails due to version mismatch
- SRA reprotect fails with error 'SnapMirror resynchronization failed'
- SRA testfailover error: Failed to create igroup. Initiator group already exists
- SRA testfailover fails with invalid initiator 0
- SRA TestFailover VM power on fails: Module 'MonitorLoop' power on failed. No space left on device
- SRA test failover failed with "SRA command 'syncOnce' failed. Check SRM log files for verification of errors"
- SRA test failover fails with Recovered device '<dr lun path>' not found after HBA rescan
- SRA unable to see datastores in a new protection group
- SRA: Add array pair fails with the error "Select only array pairs that are ready to be enabled"
- SRA: An error when adding Storage Systems Directly connected SVMs are not supported
- SRA: Cannot enable array pair because both Primary and secondary ONTAP cluster are added to 1 site
- SRA: Datastores missing from Discovered Devices list in Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
- SRA: Edit local Array Manager fails with error "Peer array ID provided in the SRM input is incorrect"
- SRA: Failed to promote replica devices with error Unable to abort the ongoing transfers of the device as a part of failover
- SRA: Failed to sync data on replica devices. SRA command 'syncOnce' failed
- SRA: Failed to sync data on replica devices. Timed out (1200 seconds) while waiting
- Storage Replication Adapter: Snapmirror snapshots are not being deleted after multiple failover and failback operations
- SRA: Test failover failed with "virtual machine file cannot be found on recovered datastore"
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): unable to create native thread: possibly out of memory or process/resource limits reached
- Storage Replication Adapter: Unable to match consistency group at the remote site for the local consistency group
- SRA: Unmapped LUNs may affect device discovery
- SRM can't detect SRA and shows "no storage replication adapters installed" within IPv6 environment
- SRM does cannot discover SRA after upgrade
- SRM Failover Test fails with error iSCSI and FCP service is not running
- SRM "no storage replication adapter installed" or "cannot retrieve SRA details"
- SRM Operations Fail with Error About a Nonreplicated Configuration File
- SRM Protection group creation failed:Cannot protect datastore which span 2 consistency groups
- SRM Protection group reports Cannot create locator for file because its datastore is not replicated or is not part of the protection group
- SRM Protection Group shows datastore Status: Not Replicated
- SRM Recovery Plan fails with Invalid fault
- SRM reports "No storage replication adapter installed"
- SRM Reprotect Fails with error "XmlValidateException empty content is not valid for content model"
- SRM/SRA failover sets junction path back to default
- SRM/SRA test failover fails with the error message: Failed to create snapshots of replica devices
- SRM/SRA volume recreated in Storage results in test failover fails with error
- SRM test failover fails with "Failed to create snapshots of replica devices"
- SRM Test Migration fails with N2Dr3Xml20XmlValidateExceptionE
- SRM: Adding Array pair displays the error 'No peer array pair'
- SRM: Test failover hangs on "create writable storage snapshot"
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA testfailover response to SRM is incorrect causing XML validation failure
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Failed to sync data on replica devices
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) Device is already tested for recovery
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) Error Descriptions
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) is Missing
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): SRA version mismatch detected
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): An error occurred during host configuration
- SRA: Adding array fails because the -local-name flag doesn't match the peer SVM name
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): A specified parameter was not correct: path
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Datastores missing from Discovered Devices list in SRM
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Device is not mapped in NFS environment
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): 'discoverArrays' unknown error
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Discovery operation times out
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Discover Devices fails with 'Storage port not found' message
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Discover devices wrongly reports no snapmirrors
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Duplicate storage port found
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Edit array manager reports peer array ID incorrect
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Enabling support for multiple, concurrent reprotects
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Error 1722 when installing the SRA adapter on Windows SRM 8.3
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Failed to create snapshots of replica devices
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Failed to reverse replication for failed over devices
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Failed to update embedded paths
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Handshake error connecting to storage
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Multiple values are not supported for "nosuid/anon" option
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): ONTAP logs failed clone-creates from SRA IP
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Operation timed out after 300 seconds
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Rediscovery doesn't clean old entries from SRA database
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Reprotect fails with XmlValidateException Error
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Running and not registered with vSphere
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): SRA can not find replicated datastore
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): SRA commands run slower than they did at initial setup
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): SRA had to create an export policy or rule for this failover
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): The mount request was denied by the NFS server
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to add large cluster to database in OTV 9.12
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to create a temporary file
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find a matching device at the remote site for the local device
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find matching device
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find matching device due to stale SnapMirror relationship entries
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find matching device for snapmirror destination
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find matching device - stale database entries
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to find matching device when devices share name
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unable to pair array managers after creation
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Unknown error updating array manager
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): XmlValidateException in Discover Devices output
- Storage Replication Adapter: test failover operation fails to use the latest data for SM-S relationships
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Windows Installer issue
- Storage Replication Adapter: Array discovery fails after changing the ONTAP admin password
- Storage Replication Adapter: Array pair not found at site
- Storage Replication Adapter: Configuring VVOL Replication for use with Site Recovery Manager
- Storage Replication Adapter: Datastore shows "Not Protected" in SRM Protection Group
- Storage Replication Adapter: Disabled Array Pair is present
- Storage Replication Adapter: discoverDevices fail when running ONTAP consistency groups with SRM
- Storage Replication Adapter: Does SRA currently support flexgroup volumes?
- Storage Replication Adapter: 'Failed to promote replica devices' when performing a Planned Migration on SM-S relationships
- Storage Replication Adapter: How to configure SRA in a SRM Shared Recovery Site
- Storage Replication Adapter: "HTTP 404 Not Found" in Snapmirror REST API response
- Storage Replication Adapter: Long running failover operations
- Storage Replication Adapter: Long running failover operations 9.12
- Storage Replication Adapter: Long running operations due to inefficient QOS Policy Group parsing
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA appliance service is not running and java.io.IOException
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA command 'discoverDevices' failed. Address of the storage array is not reachable
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA disappears after running a test failover in SRM
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRA shows not configurable from SRM VAMI
- Storage Replication Adapter: SRM reports no adapters installed after OTV upgrade
- Storage Replication Adapter: Stale snapmirror relationships are left behind after multiple, concurrent Reprotects
- Storage Replication Adapter: SyncOnce operation fails due to "read timed out" API call
- Storage Replication Adapter: testFailover fails with "LUN is not accessible" error
- Storage Replication Adapter: The remote task 'dr.replication.ReplicationManager.deactivate307' timeout passed
- Storage Replication Adapter: 'Unable to find a matching device' warning for vVol datastores
- Storage Replication Adapter: Unable to see SRAs in SRM after upgrade
- Storage Replication Adapter: Unnecessary cluster rediscovery during Failover operation
- Storage Replication Adapter: VMware Site Recovery Manager reports "No SRAs have been installed"
- Storage Replication Adapter: XML parsing error at (x, xxx): missing required attribute 'status'
- The array adapters are not visible post SRM migration from Windows to appliance
- VMware SRM array manager discovery displays null peer array ID for remote site
- vSphere: Recompute device events occur every 30 seconds
- Storage Replication Adapter: What determines if a new initiator group or export policy is created during a failover operation?
- Why does SRA add extra datastores to some protection groups?
- NetApp VASA Provider
- Does NetApp VASA Provider support provisioning a Windows Failover Cluster on a vVol datastore?
- Does resetting ONTAP admin password disrupt vVol accessibility?
- FlexVol dedupe overcommitted
- How to perform a VASA Provider Disaster Recovery - Resolution Guide
- How to provision a vVols container with the VASA Provider WebCLI
- How to reset VASA Provider and SRA database on OTV 9.12 and later
- Is there a way to extend NetApp-VP VASA certificate beyond 365 days?
- VASA Provider: Enabling VASA Provider feature generates "KeyStores with multiple certificates are not supported on the base class" error
- Accessing NetApp VASA Provider from vSphere web client gives error:'Unable to connect to VPServer'
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: vpserver service is started but not running
- ONTAP Tools: Registering VASA Provider fails with "credentials are invalid"
- ONTAP Tools: Unable to register VASA Provider due to authentication failed error
- OTV 10: VASA Provider registration fails
- OTV 9.13 VM creation failure on NVMe provisioned datastores
- OTV is inacessible after an upgrade to OTV 9.12
- OTV - unable to add array pairs no peer array found (directsvms)
- OTV VASA Provider crashed
- OTV: How to view vVol objects?
- OTV: Port 9083 in browser is reporting Not Secure
- Storage added at SVM level shows as 'Unknown' model
- The VMware snapshot times out on a large VM located on a VVOL datastore
- Unable to create a VVOL datastore on an SVM using ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) from vCenter
- Unable to create a VVOL datastore with error 'already exists'
- ONTAP Tools: The container could not be deleted - still contains 1 vVols out of which 1 are vSphere HA Datastore Heartbeat vVols
- Unable to Select SCPs or provision vVols at the direct svm level
- VASA appliance CPU consumption increases when ESXi host is down
- VASA Provider for ONTAP: Mount timeout seen during VVOL datastore provisioning
- VASA Provider: Registration fails with 'An invalid HTTPS certificate was detected'
- VASA Provider: Unable to add flexvol to container_name based on inputs of svm and backing_volume because the flexvol is already attached to another container
- VASA Provider: Upgrading NetApp Unified Appliance (UA) causes user-defined Storage Capability Profiles (SCP) to become unusable during datastore provisioning
- VASA Provider: "0 vCenter Server credentials" error
- VASA Provider: Cannot use Platinum_AFF_C SCP for AFF-C provisioning
- VASA Provider: Certificate expiration alarm shown in vSphere
- VASA Provider: "Default profile for storage container with name Platinum is not supported" alarm when creating vVols
- VASA Provider: Enabling VASA fails due to vCenter Server operation time out
- VASA Provider: Error creating disk The filename is too long
- VASA Provider: Existing vVol datastore reports new "Default profile is not supported" error
- VASA Provider: Failed discovery VASA Provider alerts in vCenter recent tasks
- VASA Provider: FlexVols do not have a protocol endpoint LUN
- VASA Provider: How to grow or shrink a vVol datastore
- VASA Provider: How to recover when VASA Provider database is corrupt or lost
- VASA Provider: How to recover when VASA Provider has been lost/is inaccessible
- VASA Provider: Large number of bindVirtualVolume and unbindVirtualVolume API calls lead to high CPU utilization
- VASA Provider: ls command slow against vVols
- VASA Provider: NetApp-VP offline after enabling VASA service
- VASA provider: New datastore creation wizard hangs at 'Storage Attributes'
- VASA Provider: New VMs are not distributed evenly across backing flexvols
- VASA Provider: New VM creation fails when storage capability profile used does not match backing storage
- VASA Provider: NFS vVols inaccessible after power outage
- VASA Provider: Not all aggregates are shown when provisioning a new datastore
- VASA Provider: NSLM errors in vVol Dashboard after OTV 9.12+ upgrade
- VASA Provider: Object Type Storage Alarm on NFS storage
- VASA Provider: Object Type Storage Alarm on SAN storage
- VASA Provider: Orphaned LUNs in VMware raise VASA error
- VASA Provider: SSL handshake between ESXi and VP fails with "certificate verify failed"
- VASA Provider: SVM name breaks SvMotion when using vVols
- VASA Provider: The operation is not allowed in the current state of the datastore
- VASA Provider: "The VASA Provider server on the host 'ipaddress' could not be reached" error after changing VP IP
- VASA Provider: Unable to create VM on vVol datastore with ESXi 8.0U1
- VASA Provider: Unable to disable VASA Provider after upgrading the Unified Appliance
- VASA Provider: Unable to download privileges file from VASA Client
- VASA Provider: "Unable to find vCenter Server credentials" error
- VASA Provider: Unable to write to vVol using a RBAC user account
- VASA Provider: VMware Snapshot operations timeout with "Reached maximum split load allowed on the node" error
- VASA Provider: VM creation on vVol datastore fails with error "Cannot Create File"
- VASA Provider: vVols datastores are inaccessible after upgrading to OTV 9.10D1
- VASA Provider: vVols go into inaccessible state after vCenter upgrade
- VASA Provider: vVols inaccessible after failed OTV upgrade
- VASA Provider: vVol datastore creation wizard fails to mount
- VASA Provider : Snapshots fail when running VMs on vVol
- VASA raised an alert FileSystem Capacity crossed full threshold
- VASA raises alert "PE on ESXi host has a non "ok" operational state: inaccessible"
- VASA shows status "syncError"
- VASA vVol expansion fails
- NetApp VASA Provider: vMotion takes longer when working with VVOL datastores compared to traditional datastores
- VM creation on vVol error - Cannot complete file creation operation
- vVol creation shows inaccurate space capacity
- vVOL VMDK deletion fails with error "volume of naa.xyz was still bound to X handles and cannot be deleted."
- vVol : Container delete impossible, still contains x vVols
- What are the settings included in each default Storage Capability Profile?
- What is the procedure to rename flexvolumes that are backing vVol datastores
- Virtual Storage Console
- Adding SVM Storage fails with error 'Ensure that you enter the correct credentials'
- Adding SVM Storage fails with error 'Verify port number'
- add/update storage system fails with "Error occurred while updating storage system and provisioning setting details of the storage system"
- After OTV upgrade Rediscover All - Storage Systems show as 'Unknown'
- After upgrading from OTV 9.11 to OTV 9.12, all options for datastores are greyed out
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Aggregate missing in Provision Datastore wizard
- Aggregate space savings does not get updated in traditional dashboard
- All communication to HCI cluster lost due to a disk issue on 1 Mellanox switch
- An error occurred while adding Storage System PKIX path building failed
- An existing aggregate is not visible in OTV
- Are Rapid Cloning and Optimization Migration supported in VSC 7.x and later?
- Are three additional IP required separate from the appliance for OTV deployment in a non-HA deployment?
- Are VVOL datastores supported in OTV when adding storage on the SVM level?
- Autogrow increased size for ONTAP NFS volume is not immediately represented in vSphere datastore
- Cannot Create Or Migrate VMs On Datastore In vSphere
- Cannot remove a depreciated cluster in OTV
- Cannot select thick provision disks when creating or editing VMDKs from vCenter Server
- Can I change the block size on our VMWare servers
- Unable to download VSC_ONTAP_User_Privileges.zip
- Can VSC support reclaiming space from NFS-based virtual machines
- Can you configure VSC forward syslog messages?
- Can you monitor disk space, server uptime, etc on OTV appliance?
- Changing Password for the Account Specified During OTV Registration in vCenter
- Changing vCenter User For OTV
- Cleanup-jobs in SCV are not triggered
- Cluster showing up as 'unknown' after a snapshot has been taken of the OTV appliance
- Cold Storage vMotion Fails, Hot Storage vMotion Successful
- Connection Issues to Port 8143/tcp with ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) 10.1
- Copying large files to vVol datastore fails with error "no space left on the device"
- Creating an FCP datastore with VSC fails with an iSCSI error
- Credentials are logged in plain text in OTV/VSC 9.8 and lower
- Datastore becomes inaccessible when volume status is manually changed to offline
- Datastore details are being fetched from the storage system but does not refresh
- Datastore name is displayed with the same name when adding two different datastores to a resource group
- Datastore size change not reflected in OTV
- Devices backing volume do not support UNMAP
- Disallowed privileges in Virtual Storage Console 9.7 after RBAC configuration
- Does it reset the existing ESXi host settings by intalling ONTAP Tools.?
- Does ONTAP tools boot up when the DNS server is down?
- Does OTV 10.3 requires Storage Management LIF and Data LIF IP addresses need to be reachable from the OTV appliance?
- Does the task com.netapp.nvpf.vsc.discoverHost.label that runs periodically from ESXi affect normal operation?
- Error during fresh deployment of VSC/OTV
- Error Invalid ISO while upgrading ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere
- Error occurred while getting Storage System(s) details. Error while getting controlle
- Error occurred while updating storage system and provisioning setting details
- Error Provisioning Datastores from ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) - There are no matching storage systems
- Error while loading Storage Virtual Machine information for controller ID
- ESXi host takes a very long time to boot and is stuck on "vmw_vaaip_netapp loaded successfully"
- ESXi iSCSI datastore: Unable to format a newly created iSCSI lun with error: "Failed to update the disk partition information"
- ESXi: Creating a thick eager provisitioned VMDK fails, but it succeeds once it is lazy zeroed provisioned
- ESX hosts and Virtual Machines are not able to read the virtual machine lock file when Varonis software is used
- Failed to Enable SRA from VSC in vCenter
- Failed to register host
- OTV fails to provision NFS datastore at both ESXi host and cluster level
- Fails to extend VMware VMFS datastore through the vCenter
- Fails to open VSC under vCenter with error "VI SDK invoke exception"
- Flexgroup volume create fails with error in ONTAP Tools for VMWare
- FlexGroup volume creation fails with OTV for FabricPool-enabled aggregates
- Is it necessary to align the Guest OS file system partition in VMware vSphere?
- High CPU on Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere virtual appliance
- High IOPS on vol0 due to ONTAP Tools for VMware
- How long does it take to upgrade both VSC and NetApp NFS Plug-in for VMware VAAI
- How to change the hostname in OTV versions 9.13P1 and prior
- How to check if the NFS plug-in for VMware is installed on your ESXi hypervisor?
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): How to uninstall VSC from your environment
- How to configure RBAC access for ONTAP Tools using System Manager?
- How to configure Virtual Storage Console to use SHA2 for self-signed certificate creation
- How to configure VMware vSphere 4.x with Data ONTAP 8.x
- How to configure VMware vSphere 5.x for Data ONTAP 7.3 and 8.x
- How to configure VMware vSphere 6.x on Data ONTAP 8.x
- How to configure VSC to discover storage using SVM credentials
- How to disable AppDM for VASA Provider 9.6
- How to disable/enable TLS versions in VSC and OTV
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to disable VSC host discovery job for a specific ESXi host
- How to enable DRS in vSphere
- How to enable the reset_on_attempted_reserve Storage Array Type Plugin option for a NetApp array on VMware vSphere
- How to ensure a volume is-sis-volume enabled
- How to find the vCenter user that is registered to OTV
- How to gather logs for the Virtual Storage Console (VSC) plugin 7.x / 9.x using the vSphere WebClient / HTML5 UI
- How to Harden the NetApp Virtual Storage Console, Storage Replication Adapter, and VASA Provider Unified Appliance
- How to identify misalignment over NFS on the storage system
- How to identify the VSC or OTV VM on vCenter vSphere WebClient
- How to implement CA signed certificates in Virtual Storage Console 6.x
- How to increase the size of a virtual disk
- How to increase /jail disk size in VSC?
- How to install NFS VAAI plugin using OTV
- How to manually configure Task Set Full (QFull) Tunables for LUNs in vSphere 5.1
- How to manually restore a VMware ESX virtual machine from a SAN volume/LUN snapshot
- How to manually restore a VMware ESX virtual machine from an NFS volume snapshot
- How to modify the IP address of VSC 9.X without redeploying it
- How to perform a fresh install of Virtual Storage Console and maintain backup job information
- How to perform a migration of VSC to a new server and retain backup job information
- How to re-register OTV with another vCenter user
- How to use and read copy_manager to troubleshoot copy offload issues
- How to reclaim unused storage blocks on a VMFS datastore
- How to recover files manually using VSC mount feature
- How to recover the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere when upgrade fails from version 10.0 to 10.1
- How to rescan storage on an ESXi host
- How to reset VASA Provider and SRA database on OTV 9.7P1 until OTV 9.11
- Virtual Storage Console / VASA Provider: How to resolve display issues with the vSphere Client
- How to restore a Cinder volume from an ONTAP snapshot?
- How to restore ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere if upgrade fails from version 10.0 to 10.1
- How to Troubleshoot Storage Discovery Failures for VSC
- How to tune memory settings of OTV/VSC for scale and performance 9.12 and above
- How to Turn off "UseCompressedClassPointers"
- How to uninstall NetApp NFS Plug-in for VMware VAAI?
- How to unlock diag user in ONTAP tools for VMware
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): How to use the kaminoprefs file to specify which IP addresses to use for mounting using VSC Provisioning and Cloning
- How to view OTV/VSC operations in-flight
- Importing CA-signed certificate in VSC fails for IPv6
- Incorrect disk information is causing backup issues with VEEAM
- Installation of "NFS Plug-in for VMware VAAI" fails with error "Could not find a trusted signer"
- Installation of "NFS Plug-in for VMware VAAI" in Lifecycle Manager is not possible
- Installing the NFS plug-in for VMware VAAI fails with error "Failed to unmount tardisk"
- Interface for the OTV plugin is not loading when having multiple vCenter servers in linked-mode
- iSCSI LUN shows Not Consumed in vCenter Storage Devices
- ISCSI Target Configuration for Vmware when using OTV
- Issue upgrading OTV 10.2 to 10.3 - Failed to connect to port 8443
- Virtual Storage Console: Issue with traditional dashboard when running Metrocluster mirrored aggregates and ONTAP 9.6 or earlier
- Is it possible to recover VM files from ONTAP?
- Is it possible to select existing NVME namespace subsystem within ONTAP Tools ?
- Is ONTAP tools for VMware 9.10 and above FIPS compliant?
- Is re-registration of ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) required after updating the vCenter?
- Is SM-AS\SM-BC discovery supported with OTV?
- Is there any action required on ONTAP and Ontap Tools for VMware when updating the vcenter server certificate?
- Is there any impact on virtual machines when the NetApp Storage Discovery task is running?
- Is there a requirement to restart existing vCenter or ESXi after installing OTV?
- Is there a way to extend the expiry period of 90 days for Administrator and Derby database password
- Known issues with Storage Replication Adapter workflows in large scale environments
- Lost connectivity error message during switchover
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Managing preferences via the vscPreferences.xml
- What are the minimum privileges required at ONTAP to create, mount, delete and clone the volumes
- What are the minimum privileges required at Vcenter to deploy and take snapshots
- NetApp HCI: How to upgrade vSphere from 6.0U3a to 6.5U1
- 'NetApp Storage Discovery' task errors errno=13003 in the vSphere task list
- Not able to register to vCenter using IPv6
- No NFS protocol endpoint found on cluster nodes
- No Storage Capability Profiles are available when configuring a VVOL datastore
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: "Unable to find valid certification path to requested target" when adding storage in OTV 9.12 and 9.13
- ONTAP Errors: Insufficient Privileges For Clone Create Caused By OTV
- ONTAP Tools: How to use the Swagger UI to lookup a Job ID for a cron job
- ONTAP Tools for VMware (OTV): Dashboard reports "Character N is neither a..."
- ONTAP Tools for VMware v10.3 deployment via Content Libraries hangs
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to identify a moref for an OTV10 API
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to identify a storage backend id in OTV10
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to identify a vcguid in OTV10
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) 10.0 Install Fails with VASAProvider Error
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): Unable to load existing ControllerConnection
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): How to Register/Change Password OTV 9.12+ with vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): How to unregister OTV 9.12 + from vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): How to verify if OTV is registered in ONTAP Tools Swagger Rest-API
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): One OTV linked to multiple linked mode vCenters
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): Unable to discover SVM or cluster on OTV 9.12,9.13
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): Unable to remove old storage system
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): Upgrade to OTV 9.13 fails
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): vpserver fails after derby db password update
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere Upgrade from 9.10 to 9.12 Fails
- ONTAP tools for VMWare vSphere (VSC) - CVE-2021-44228 Apache Log4j Vulnerability - Workaround
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: 9.12, 9.13 release does not use the correct certificate
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: 9.13P1 upgrade fails with 'grub_disk_native_sectors' not found error
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Adding storage to OTV fails with Error: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Administrator and Database passwords are expired and cannot be changed
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Administrator and Database Passwords expire before 90 days
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: A primer on how discovery works and can be adjusted
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Could not retrieve Certificate from Keystore
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Datastore provisioning wizard shows incorrect datacenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Deprecated ONTAPI error in ONTAP prevents OTV from adding storage system
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Host Discovery tasks fail within vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to confirm what type of certificates are used by OTV
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to connect to OTV over SCP
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to disable automatic discovery
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to import CA signed certificates from ONTAP into OTV when OTV doesn't use CA signed certificates
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to prevent OTV from generating recent tasks in vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to remove a Cluster from OTV Nondisruptively
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to troubleshoot communication issues with OTV
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: How to troubleshoot connectivity between OTV and vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: HTTP ERROR 503 Service Unavailable when exporting OTV logs
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Implementing CA signed certificates for 9.12 and newer
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Large number of ONTAP quotas causes OTV discoveries to fail
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Linked mode OTVs not displaying in vCenter after deployment
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Mutual authentication error when adding storage system to OTV
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: No healthy upstream error after OTV registration
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV 10.2 modifies existing export-policy rule while mounting datastore to host
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV 9.12 Datastore creation limited on FAS systems to 16TB
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV Deployment using the OVA fails with error "Transfer failed: The OVF descriptor is not available"
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV not reporting Storage Details when in VCF mode
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV plugin not visible vCenter due to blocked firewall ports
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV randomly displays privilege exception
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV services do not start after appliance reboot or upgrade
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV user account triggers API errors in ONTAP audit logs
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: OTV will not display in recently rebuilt vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Server error registering with vCenter
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Sizing Guide for ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.x
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Storage System listed as 'Unknown' despite successfully adding it in the vCenter plugin
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Unable to add storage cluster after upgrade to 9.13P1
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Unable to add storage system to OTV after renewing ONTAP CA signed certificates
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Unable to remove a system from the OTV Storage Systems list
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Unable to use Platinum SCPs for mixed type ONTAP cluster
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: 'Unknown' Storage System discovered by VSC
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Upgrade fails with "Derby Database service could not be started"
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Upgrade from 9.10 to 9.13P1 Build 9816 resulted in Error account validation failure
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Upgrade from VSC to OTV 9.12+ fails
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: vpserver showing high CPU usage
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV): vSphere tasks hang at 0%
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Vulnerability Alerts SSH Server CBC Mode Ciphers Enabled
- ONTAP Tools for VMware: Unable to mount FC datastores on additional ESXi hosts
- ONTAP Tools for VMware: Wrong datastore name appears when resizing or deleting a datastore
- ONTAP Tools (OTV) The matching datastore for the specified host could not be found
- ONTAP Tools (OTV) : "Failed to parse server certificates” error when adding storage system to OTV
- ONTAP Tools (OTV) : How to add storage using Swagger UI in OTV
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): How to switch from Cluster to Direct SVM management in OTV 9.11 and earlier
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): How to switch from Cluster to Direct SVM management in OTV 9.12 and later
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): Indirect data path error when creating datastores with OTV
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): NFS Datastores are missing from OTV Storage Systems-Datastore-NAS view
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): No matching SVMs for the selected storage system
- ONTAP Tools (OTV): Unable to create NFS flexgroup datastore
- ONTAP Tools: 401 Unauthorized Failed Validating the session error seen when applying recommended host settings
- ONTAP Tools: A primer on 'unknown' Storage Systems
- ONTAP Tools: Can the ONTAP Tools node be renamed in a high availability configuration?
- ONTAP Tools: Error 'No Controller found for controller id' when adding vserver to OTV
- ONTAP Tools: High Availability Deployment fails at 99 percent
- ONTAP Tools: How to change the IP address of OTV 9.12+
- ONTAP Tools: How to collect a packet trace from OTV
- ONTAP Tools: How to generate the appliance-api-token in OTV 9.12 and later
- ONTAP Tools: How to generate the Web-CLI authentication token in OTV 9.12 and later
- ONTAP Tools: How to use the Swagger UI to lookup a vCenter task Job ID
- ONTAP Tools: Igroup ID doesn't exist when provisioning new datastore
- ONTAP Tools: "Invalid vCenter GUID" error seen when provisioning datastore
- ONTAP Tools: Service Unavailable when adding storage system to OTV
- ONTAP Tools: Unable to connect to VMware Profile Driven Storage Service error when unregistering OTV from vCenter
- ONTAP Tools: Upgrade fails with "Post upgrade steps failed"
- ONTAP Tools: Upgrade fails with "The number of HDDs are less than 5, it is 4"
- ONTAP Tools: VSC in-place upgrading failure due to tcpdump package update error
- ONTAP Tools: When changing Application user credentials a 401 Unauthorized error is seen
- ONTAP Tools : How to resolve display and registration issues with the vSphere Client using OTV 9.12 and later
- OpenStack: How to find out the matching ONTAP lun name?
- OTV10: Discover Storage Fails
- OTV 10: How to change DNS IP on OTV 10.x
- OTV 10: Storage backend is already on boarded from global scope
- OTV 10- What is storage backend global and local scope?
- OTV 10: Deployment fails with hostname in uppercase
- OTV 10: How to add a single SVM as storage system
- OTV 10: How to enable DEBUG logging for OTV 10
- OTV 10: OTV 10.2 doesn't clean up failed "Add Storage" attempt
- OTV 10: Unable to expand datastore after upgrading to ONTAP tools 10
- OTV 10: Upgrade from 9.x to 10.x fails with vpupgrader error
- OTV 10: VASA registration fails due to buffer size
- OTV 10: VMware Snapshot operation times out
- OTV 10: Why is ONTAP Tools 10 not integrated with a web interface?
- OTV 9.11 CPU usage is constantly fully utilized
- OTV 9.13 The specified Name or IP Address is incorrect when adding storage system
- OTV 9.12 vCenter registration fails with correct credentials "failed to update the credentials"
- OTV 9.13 An error occurred while adding a Storage System. Failed with a status code: 409
- OTV appliance CPU 100% Utilization
- OTV appliance high CPU usage due to stale 'Hosed Items' entries
- OTV Authentication Failure
- OTV cannot complete discovery
- OTV CPU utilization goes to 100% after an upgrade to 9.11
- OTV dashboard does not show used resources
- OTV Datastores Are Not Populating and Right-click on OTV Tools All Options Greyed-out
- OTV datastore resize error
- OTV delete datastore does not delete the volume in ONTAP
- OTV disconnects about every 24 hours "unable to retrieve appliance details"
- OTV discovery fails when PCIE HBA adapter is present on the host
- OTV discovery fails with special characters in storage password
- OTV displays error, "Not Found" post upgrade to 9.13 in vCenter Linked Mode
- OTV doesn't show AFF aggr space savings
- OTV does not discover correct path to LUN
- OTV does not set correct Disk.QfullSampleSize as an ESXi host recommended setting
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: 'No Controller found for controller id' error when adding storage system to OTV
- OTV fails to resize SMBC protected volumes
- OTV host discovery fails after SAN switch reboot
- OTV host discovery fails on newly added ESXi hosts
- OTV Host Discovery reports unknown error periodically
- OTV: How to remove OTV 9.12+ from your environment
- OTV menu doesn't load when using a custom vSphere user
- ONTAP Tools for VMware(OTV) 9.8 fails to provision iSCSI datastore in vSphere 7.0
- OTV plugin shows Http error 503 or no healthy upstream after SSL certificate change
- OTV plugin shows 'no healthy upstream' in vCenter
- OTV storage dashboard does not show datastores
- OTV Storage Display issues with vCenters in Linked-mode
- OTV The specified Name or IP Address is incorrect when adding storage system
- OTV traditional dashboard do not show metrics
- OTV unable to ADD storage due to button being greyed out
- OTV Unable to resize datastore with error "Error while retrieving information of datastore resize"
- OTV upgrade to 9.12 while having RBAC users that were created via JSON file
- OTV user triggers error messages in ONTAP Audit logs
- OTV VASA PROVIDER: CPU 100 percent utilization
- OTV vCenter registration fails with "errorCode": 10000
- OTV: vCenter reports triggered alarm "Thin-provisioned volume capacity threshold exceeded"
- OTV: Adding a new datastore results in error 'Http error: 400, OK'
- OTV: Adding storage Excessive lock duration and processing addController: 126598
- OTV: After ONTAP upgrade OTV shows incorrect storage
- OTV: Authentication errors occur once user is added to system manager via VSC_ONTAP_User_Privileges.zip
- OTV: Blank dashboard in Enhanced link mode and error 'no healthy upstream'
- OTV: Current version on about page shows no information
- OTV: Datastore not resized using ONTAP Tools for VMs to write
- OTV: Dedupe Settings not applied due to insufficient privleges
- OTV: discovery role not found error while adding storage system
- OTV: Does appliance warn if password expires on storage?
- OTV: Error 500 SystemError when registering appliance and plugin not installed
- OTV: Error adding storage system after upgrading OTV to 9.13P1
- OTV: Error downloading plug-in after upgrading OTV
- OTV: Error 'Node Mgmt LIF IP Address' when adding a storage
- OTV: 'Failed to parse server certificates' or 'Could not convert PEM to Certificate'
- Ontap Tools for VMware vSphere: How to access the diagnostic shell
- OTV: How to change the IP address for 9.13P1 and earlier
- OTV: Inconsistent Unable to reach gateway error or cannot ping gateway
- OTV: Incorrect username or password when adding storage system
- OTV: Increased memory on 9.10 vm, system boots, Host name invalid, vsc does not start
- OTV: Insufficient privileges error when provisioning a FlexGroup volume
- OTV: In place upgrade fails due to failed upgrade image verification
- OTV: Issues registering OTV to vCenter after implementing CA signed certificate
- OTV: Multiple vCenter sessions created when using ONTAP Tools
- OTV: NetApp-VP generates a vCenter warning about an unrelated LUN
- OTV: NFS datastores show the error "Invalid datastore moref value"
- OTV: OnCommand API Services - Not registered
- OTV: ONTAP version not supported in VSC users roles JSON file
- OTV: Provisioning breaks with Igroup already exists error
- OTV: Read error during storage discovery using a Discovery privilege user
- OTV: Services do not start after appliance reboot of upgrade 9.13
- OTV: SSH vulnerabilities within ONTAP tools
- OTV: Status Unknown Status reason Failed to obtain vserver info
- OTV: Storage Systems menu does not list all SVMs
- OTV: Storage systems Unknown: Failed to validate storage system credentials
- OTV: Storage system shows 'Client Certificate Expired'
- OTV: The download of VSC_ONTAP_User_Privileges.zip does not work
- OTV: Trying to mount datastore on new host fails "Unable to complete Sysinfo operation"
- OTV: 'Unable to add storage systems' error when registering storage
- OTV: Unable to create or mount the iSCSI datastore
- OTV: Unable to mount existing vVols to new ESXi host fails with, "Unable to complete the command mount vVol datastore on all the hosts."
- OTV: Unable to permanently delete third party unknown storage systems
- OTV: Unable to reach gateway error after OTV deployment
- OTV: Unable to register ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere 9.12
- OTV: Unable to upgrade to OTV 9.13P1
- OTV: VASA and SRA operations are slow or unresponsive
- OTV: Virtual appliance upgrade failed
- OTV: When a datastore is added to 2 different datacenters, the details are displayed only on 1 datacenter
- Prefix length can not be saved when setting up VSC within IPv6 environment
- Prevent vCenter Appliance disks from filling
- Provisioning VVOL datastore with OTV produces an error of a duplicate entry
- Provision datastore task fails as Virtual Storage Console is unable to select a host
- What are the recommended settings for VMware ESX/ESXi 5.X, 4.x, 3.5 when connected to NetApp Storage Systems?
- Registering ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere to vCenter fails due to permissions
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Security Hardening procedure for VSC, SRA and VASA Provider
- SRA 9.7 Adapter Installer Errors with Invalid Credentials
- SRA command fails with authentication error
- SRA test failover fails with "Failed to create snapshots of replica devices"
- SRA: SRM fails to detach device during test failover
- SRM Failover Test fails with a general system error
- SRM is mapping all LUNs to all initiator groups in the protection group
- SRM synchronization fails with error "SRA command 'discoverDevices' failed"
- SRM test failover fails due to lack of space on the target
- Stale Vserver peer information is wrongly displayed in the SRM array pair
- Storage discovery fails when VSC authenticates with user created by the RBAC tool
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA): Cannot protect single datastore due to consistency group
- Storage Replication Adapter: 'discoverArrays' fails in SRM after renewing ONTAP SSL certificates
- Storage Replication Adapter: testfailover fails during SyncOnce task when SVM-DR relationships are present
- Storage vMotion fails between NetApp controllers
- SVM is missing in Virtual Storage Console (VSC) with vSphere 6.7
- The current version of ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere is not supported with the target OS
- The maintenance console should be used when the web interface is not available
- The size displayed for the virtual disk in the vSphere Client differs from the actual provisioned value
- Troubleshooting Statefulset pods stuck into ContainerCreating or Init state
- How to tune memory settings of virtual appliance for VSC, VASA Provider, and SRA for scale and performance
- Unable to add new NTP server using ONTAP tools maintenance console
- Unable to connect to storages after the upgrade to OTV 9.12 with error "Could not retrieve Certificate from Keystore"
- Unable to Create Datastores using OTV appliance
- Unable to create NFS Datatore at ESX Host Level using OTV 9.8 and VSC 9.7.1P1
- Unable to create Virtual Machine inside VVOL Container
- Unable to create Virtual machine in VVOL with conflicting QOS Policy
- Unable to create VM's inside VVOL if storage password has "@" character
- Unable to delete Datastore with VSC
- Unable to deploy a NFS 4.1 vVol using OTV 9.12
- Unable to deploy OTV Error downloading plugin 9.11
- Unable to deploy OTV plugin Connect timeout 9.12
- Unable to discover all datastores"Unknown Status of Netapp Storage in the Vsphere console"
- Unable to provision a new datastore using Virtual Storage Console after the SVM is renamed
- Unable to provision a VVOL due to firewall policy
- Unable to remove or modify a skipped storage system in VSC
- Unable to Resize Datastore
- Unable to vmotion VMs error: Could not complete network copy for file
- Unable to write VMX file error when trying to power on VM
- Uninstalling the NFS plugin for VMware VAAI fails with error "Failed to unmount tarddiskntap"
- Unknown Datastores and no options for ONTAP Tools in vSphere
- "Unknown" error when selecting an aggregate in the Virtual Storage Console provisioning wizard
- Unmanaged IO workload is detected
- Updating Cluster CA-Signed Certificates for VCF-Mode enabled OTV appliance(s)
- Virtual Storage Console: Upgrade to 9.7P2 appears to "hang" during the upgrade
- Upgrade to Virtual Storage Console VSC 9.7P2 stuck at “Checking for re-encryption of bin files”
- Using JSON in System Manager to add username does not allow for domain user account
- VASA Provider: Can't provision VVOL datastore when vCenter password has special char
- VASA Provider: Container rebalance completed partially
- VASA Provider: Enabling VP triggers error "Unable to connect to VMware Profile Driven Storage Service"
- VASA Provider: "Flexvol was too small" during managed snapshot operation
- vCenter Error while registering VASA Provider in Virtual Storage Console (VSC)
- Virtual Appliance for VSC, VASA Provider, and SRA: VASA Provider and SRA services are disabled
- Virtual machines that are accessed through NFS datastores appear to be inaccessible
- Virtual Machine Data Collector fails to discover VMs
- Virtual Storage Console 4.x stops working after vCenter 5.5U3b update
- Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere (VSC) Shows False Alerts
- Virtual Storage Console ova deployment fails in https proxy environment
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): SVM missing from Storage Systems menu
- Virtual Storage Console: Traditional datastore provisioning hangs at 55%
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC) does not display all linked mode vCenter instances
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): All actions fail after updating vCenter credentials
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Cannot Initialize SFTP Protocol
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Can't run discovery tasks
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: Can't start services after deploying OVA template from Host Client
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): datastore provisioning creates indirect mounts when storage is added by SVM
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): ESX or ESXI host displays an alert status in VSC
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Missing actions for datastore with decimal capacity
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): OTV 9.8 roles JSON not supported in ONTAP 9.9
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Unable to enable debug logging in VSC 9.7P2
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): unable to properly set recommended values
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Upgrading VSC appliance fails "failed to mount ISO"
- Virtual Storage Console: Can the vSphere account used for OTV appliance be changed?
- Virtual Storage Console: Connection Timed Out
- Virtual Storage Console: "Hostname in certificate didn't match" error when using CA signed certs
- Virtual Storage Console: How to add missing privileges to the VSC user
- Virtual Storage Console: How to resolve VSC registration issues
- Virtual Storage Console: How to retrieve the JSON file to configure user roles and privileges
- Virtual Storage Console: Implementing CA signed certificates
- Virtual Storage Console: Implementing Wildcard certificates
- Virtual Storage Console: Unable to provision due to indirect path check
- Virtual Storage Console: "Unable to retrieve NFS details" warning
- Virtual Storage Console: 'Unknown' storage system discovered with custom user
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: 'Unknown' storage system stuck in Storage Systems
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): Upgrade to VSC 9.7.1 or later fails
- Virtual Storage Console: User Interface extensions are not pulled by vCenter
- Virtual volumes: Protecting and Recovering the NetApp VASA Provider
- VMDK File Does Not Shrink After Deleting Data in Guest OS on NFS Datastore
- SRA testfailover fails with VMFS volume residing on recovered devices '<dr lun path>' cannot be found
- vmotion of OTV appliance to different host does not allow storage management
- VMware Atomic Test and Set heartbeats impact connectivity to storage
- VMware Datastore displays more disk utilization on LUN than what it shows up from ONTAP
- VMware error message corrupt on-disk heartbeat region detected
- VMware ESXi: virtual machine hangs during snapshot removal
- VMware ESXi: How to migrate a NetApp LUN used by ESXi from one NetApp volume to another
- VMware VMs fail to complete VM disk consolidation in NFS datastore
- VMware vSphere: Unable to restore VM's from .snapshot directory
- VMX File corruption while hosting on encrypted aggregate
- VM creation fails on VVOL datastore, Error - Cannot complete file creation operation
- VM disk deployed on vVol datastore cannot be resized
- VM Snapshot fails with vendor specific error
- VSC discovery fails with "The specified name or IP address is invalid"
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC) displays old user interface extensions after upgrading
- VSC doesn't show AFF aggr space savings
- VSC Error on registration with vCenter server: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId
- Virtual Storage Console for VMware (VSC) Error: "Unable to contact VASA server" when registering VASA Provider
- VSC Exception while accessing storage system drill down view
- Unable to enable VASA Provider: Error updating capabilities, due to internal processing exception. vCenter Server registration of the VASA Provider failed with no discernible message – please investigate vCenter Server logs
- Virtual Storage Console for VMware (VSC) - HTTP ERROR 403, Problem accessing Main.html. Reason: Forbidden
- VSC "maint" account locked for long time after 3 unsuccessful attempts
- VSC/OTV error on vCenter - Error downloading plug-in. Make sure that the URL is reachable
- VSC/OTV there are no storage system that match with the selected SCP
- VSC, OTV, VASA Provider, and SRA virtual appliance - How to reset 'administrator' password
- VSC, OTV, VASA Provider, and SRA virtual appliance - How to reset 'maint' password
- VSC Provision Datastore " Unable to click Finish to complete"
- VSC reports "already exists" error while adding storage
- VSC returns HTTP status 404
- OTV: "Authentication failed" alerts seen in ONTAP audit logs after storage credentials change
- VSC/SMVI backup fails with "Failed to rename snapshot"
- VSC Storage systems show no SVMs and Datastores
- VSC throws error while fetching host information "Error while searching for hosts additional column field values"
- VSC unable to discover AFF aggregates during FlexVol creation
- VSC upgrade to 9.7 fails with open-vm error processing package open-vm-tools
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere: RBAC Configuration
- Virtual Storage Console(VSC): Scaling for larger environments
- NetApp OTV, VSC, SRA, VASA: Manually collecting logs
- VSC Vulnerability Alerts SSH Weak Message Authentication Code Algorithms
- VSC: Datastore Report and Traditional Dashboard do not report IOPS and Latency metrics
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC): /opt/netapp/vscserver/etc/vsc/performance.json (No such file or directory)
- VSC: Storage Systems does not show SVMs unable to create datastores
- VSC: Storage system discovery fails with ssl not configured error
- VSC: SVM missing from Storage Systems menu after successful cluster discovery
- vSphere shows higher volume usage than ONTAP
- vVOLs show 0B in size
- Vvol creation fails with java exception
- vVol datastores (building blocks) become inaccessible
- vVOL datastore created with OTV or VSC are inaccessible and show 0B size
- vVOL datastore creation fails with error
- VVOL Datastore displays "vSphere HA failed to create a configuration vVol for this datastore" alarm
- VVOL inaccessible after ONTAP 9.7 upgrade
- VVOL provisioning with VSC: Error on SCP selection
- VVOL Provisioning: Issues with NDMP node-scope-mode
- What are the guest OS tunings needed for a VMware vSphere deployment?
- What are the port requirements for installing OTV 10.3
- What are the pre-upgrade steps for transitioning from OTV version 10.0 to 10.1
- What is a Node Interconnect in OTV 10.2
- What is a VAAI primitive and what are its limitations?
- What is the recommended method for installing the latest VMware Tools for OTV?
- What message shows when the threshold value set on OTV is exceeded
- What permissions are needed for an ONTAP tools custom vcenter role?
- What plugins are required when deploying OTV if built with FlexVol?
- What settings made by VSC for VMware require an ESX host reboot to take effect?
- What to check if OTV is unresponsive state?
- What type of LIF should be selected for use with OTV in System Manager?
- What VAAI primitives are supported for Flexgroups
- Where are the troubleshooting logs for Virtual Storage Console, VASA, and Storage Replication Adapter?
- Why does Virtual Storage Console (VSC) create "rcu_generated_alua" iGroup?
- Will ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) be supported after the ONTAPI EOA date?