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NetApp Knowledge Base

SRA discoverArrays fails because the SVM user is missing privileges

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)
  • VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
  • ONTAP Tools for VMware (OTV)
  • Virtual Storage Console (VSC)


  • SRM uses the discoverArrays command to discover details about the underlying storage array (ID of arrays, vendor, replication software, version, etc)
  • The discoverArrays command to fail:

SRA command 'discoverArrays' failed

Authentication failed.
Invalid managemetn IP address and/or invalid credentials. Ensure
that you provide the correct management IP address with a valid
username and password.


  • From sra.log:

01/06/21 EST 14:15:24.705-0500 (DEBUG) - The SVM is missing permissions for the following ZAPIs required by SRA: [volume efficiency show]


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