Site Recovery Manager (SRM) throws a '' when calling SRA
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- Category:
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- Specialty:
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Applies to
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
With array based replication (ABR):
- VMware's Site Recovery Manager (SRM) needs to call Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) in order to perform tasks on storage
- There may be situations where these SRA commands fail
- When reviewing the SRM logs the following "SRA command failed" error is seen:
2017-10-05T17:54:04.611-04:00 error vmware-dr[04496] [Originator@6876 sub=Storage
opID=24610e9b] SRA command failed: ( {
--> faultCause = ( {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> code = "70d7e5fb-4684-49cc-b099-e8f0386c17cb.1003",
--> arg = <unset>
--> msg = ""
--> },
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> commandName = "discoverDevices"
--> msg = ""
Note: To collect the SRM logs, please see VMware KB 1009253.