VSC Storage systems show no SVMs and Datastores
Applies to
- Virtual Storage Console (VSC)/ ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) environments using NFS Datastores
- SRA using NFS Datastores
- Storage system is added without errors
- Storage Rediscovery does not show errors
- No SVMs are shown in the drill down menu of the storage system
- Datastore provisioning fails with missing SVM
- SRA is unable to detect the datastore details.
- VSC log reports:
2022-08-16 10:09:33,798Z [HostXXX] WARN (IPAddressUtil) - getIPAddress: failed to find ip address for "SVM name"
2022-08-16 10:09:33,798Z [HostXXX] ERROR (Viapi) - [HostXXX] Unable to resolve NFS Server hostname "SVM name"; skipping mount point /Datastore Name