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NetApp Knowledge Base

What is the procedure to rename flexvolumes that are backing vVol datastores

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA)
  • Virtual Volumes (vVols)
  • Virtual Storage Console (VSC)
  • ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV)



  • The following procedure may temporarily impact the ability to manage VMs. 
  • It is recommended to have a VMware snapshot of the powered off OTV / VSC appliance in place before starting this procedure
  • This article covers one scenario where you can make changes outside of VASA Provider. As a general rule, however, it is not recommended to make changes to storage outside of VASA Provider.

The procedure to rename Flexvols that are backing vVol datastores is as follows:

  1. Change Flexvol name in ONTAP System Manager or via the ONTAP Cluster Shell CLI
  2. Perform a rediscovery from OTV and VASA Provider WebCLI:
    • Click "Rediscover All" from ONTAP Tools > Storage Systems
    • Connect to VASA WebCLI via https://<vasa-ip>:9083 and execute the command "cluster rediscover"
  3. Confirm volume got renamed
    • Execute the command “cluster list” from VASA WebCLI
  4. In the vSphere client select the vVol datastore in question > Configure > ONTAP storage.  Confirm you see the new volume name
  5. If the volume is not showing the new name, then rescan storage in vSphere

Additional Information



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