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NetApp Knowledge Base

Virtual Storage Console: User Interface extensions are not pulled by vCenter

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Virtual Storage Console 9.x
  • Virtual Storage Console 7.x
  • vSphere WebClient
  • vSphere HTML5 UI


Process for deploying UI extensions when VSC is registered to vCenter:

  1. VSC is registered to vCenter (via https://<vsc_server>:8143/Register.html)
  2. VSC advertises to vCenter that there are new UI (user interface) extensions to pull
  3. vCenter will add new extensions to inventory
    • This is confirmed in vCenter's MOB (Managed Object Browser) which is accessed via https://<vcenter>/mob
    • VSC extensions pulled by vSphere Webclient include com.netapp.nvpf & com.netapp.nvpf.webclient
    • VSC extensions pulled by vSphere HTML5 UI client include com.netapp.nvpf & com.netapp.vsch5
  4. vCenter will reach out to the VSC server and pull across a deployment bundle
    • This bundle includes the physical files that add VSC menu options and icons to the vSphere WebClient or vSphere HTML5 UI (depending on VSC version)
    • These physical files from the bundle are deployed to directories on the vCenter server

This article describes a specific scenario where:

  • Virtual Storage Console (VSC) plugin is not visible within vSphere
  • vCenter is unable to pull the VSC UI extensions after VSC is registered to vCenter (step #4 in the above procedure fails)
In some cases, vCenter cannot pull the deployment bundle from VSC. This can be confirmed by the following:
  1. "com.nvpf" UI folders are not present on the vCenter server
Files for the VSC deployment bundle can be found at the following locations:
  • vSphere WebClient: /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity
  • vSphere HTML5 UI client: /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity
  1. Logs for the vSphere WebClient or HTML5 UI client (vsphere_client_virgo.log) have the following events:
Connect timed out event:

[2017-08-22T08:16:42.904Z] [ERROR] vc-extensionmanager-pool-190 70000159 100014 200005 com.vmware.vise.vim.extension.VcExtensionManager Package com.netapp.nvpf.webclient was not installed! Error downloading https://<vsc_server>:8143/webclient_deployment_bundle. Make sure that the URL is reachable then logout/login to force another download. connect timed out at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source)

Catalog Manager indicates a resource bundle conflict:
[2017-08-22T08:16:33.077Z] [INFO ] cm-catalog-manager-pool-192  70000159 100014 200005                 Loaded Resource bundle cis.vcextension.com_netapp_nvpf.task
[2017-08-22T08:16:33.077Z] [WARN ] cm-catalog-manager-pool-192  70000159 100014 200005                 1 Resource Bundle entry conflicts found for: /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/cmCatalog/
key: signature duplicated with same value in bundle: /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/cmCatalog/



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