Virtual Storage Console / VASA Provider: How to resolve display issues with the vSphere Client
Applies to
- FlexPod
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere 9.11 and earlier (OTV)
- NetApp Virtual Storage Console, Storage Replication Adapter and VASA Provider Unified Appliance (Unified Appliance)
- VMware vSphere Web Client (Flash)
- VMware vSphere Client (HTML5) 7.0 and earlier
- VASA Provider (vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness)
During the deployment of ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV):
- a deployment bundle consisting of user interface extensions is pulled by vCenter from the OTV appliance
- this deployment bundle consists of a framework of extensions and files that vCenter uses to create the UI (user interface) for OTV
- if running OTV, than the OTV UI is loaded by the the vSphere Client
- if running a legacy version of the "NetApp Virtual Storage Console, Storage Replication Adapter and VASA Provider Unified Appliance", than the UI might be loaded by the no longer developed VMware vSphere WebClient
- An issue with the OTV (or the legacy Unified Appliance) UI extensions such as missing or stale (wrong version) extensions can lead to display issues when trying to navigate the OTV (or the legacy Unified Appliance) UI
When troubleshooting display issues with OTV (or the legacy Unified Appliance), it is useful to be aware of the following:
- When new versions of VSC or VASA Provider (which are products included in OTV) are released they may be bundled with new UI extensions. During the upgrade process, OTV does not have the ability to delete the old UI extensions off of the vCenter server. This is a "pull" operation rather than a "push" operation
- UI extension files must be removed manually. If "stale" UI extensions are not removed then a conflict may arise which can cause display issues
Note: During a upgrade of VSC or VASA Provider, it maybe a requirement that the old UI extensions be removed. Refer to your version specific deployment guide for details