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OTV: VASA and SRA operations are slow or unresponsive

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP Tools for VMware (OTV)
  • VASA Provider (VP)
  • ONTAP Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)


  • VASA and/or SRA operations become slow or completely unresponsive.
  • On the OTV VM, the VP and SRA service may have a Not Running status.
    • To confirm this, follow the steps below:
      1. In vSphere, navigate to the OTV VM.
      2. Open the VM web console as per Open the Web Console .
      3. Login as the maint user.
      4. Open menu 1 ) Application Configuration.
      5. Run option 1 ) Display server status summary.


  • If you attempt to start or restart the vpserver service, it fails to start up.
    • To confirm this, follow the steps below:
      1. In vSphere, navigate to the OTV VM.
      2. Open the VM web console as per Open the Web Console .
      3. Login as the maint user.
      4. Open menu 1 ) Application Configuration.
      5. Run option 5 ) Stop VASA Provider and SRA service.
      6. Run option 6 ) Start VASA Procider and SRA service.
      7. Monitor for any error messages on startup.
  • The /opt directory in the OTV VM is full.
    • To confirm this, follow the steps below:
      1. Open the OTV diagnostic shell as per Ontap Tools for VMware vSphere: How to access the diagnostic shell.
      2. Run the command sudo su to grant your login elevated access.
      3. Navigate up the directory with command cd /.
      4. Confirm the space consumption on the /opt directory is over 95% with command df -h.


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