Storage Replication Adapter: test failover operation fails to use the latest data for SM-S relationships
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- 107
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- Category:
- ontap-storage-replication-adapter
- Specialty:
- virt
- Last Updated:
Applies to
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere 9.8
- ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere 9.10
- Synchronous Snapmirror (SM-S)
When performing a testFailover operation with "Replicate recent changes" checked for volumes protected with a synchronous SM-S relationship:
- SRA (Storage Replication Adapter) does not issue a snapmirror update as we are working with SM-S relationships
- SRA creates a flexclone for the protected destination volume however the flexclone is based on a snapshot created by the snapmirror schedule
- As a result, the flexclone created on the DR side will not have the latest virtual machine (VM) data.