Incorrect status 'Failover in Progress' is reported for SRA in SRM
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- Votes:
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- Category:
- ontap-storage-replication-adapter
- Specialty:
- virt
- Last Updated:
Applies to
- Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) 9.x
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
- Virtual Storage Consle (VSC)
- ONTAP Tools for VMware (OTV)
- VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) displays an Array Pair device status of Failover In Progress
- This is typically or a relationship that has been failed over to the disaster recovery site and Re-protected (mirror reverse re-synced) via SRM
- When observing the NetApp SnapMirror Protection relationships, the mirrors have successfully been reverse re-synced to the DR location
- SRM placeholder VMs are present in the new target vCenter cluster
- The Array Pair continues to show
Failover In Progress
even though the Re-protect has failed
- The SRM logs at SRA
section fordiscoverDevices
Failover occured. Marking the source device as read-only