VASA Provider: "Unable to find vCenter Server credentials" error
Applies to
- NetApp VASA Provider (VP)
- ONTAP Tools (OTV)
- VMware vCenter
When attempting to perform an operation using VASA Provider (such as provisioning a new virtual volume (vvol) datastore), the following error is seen:
[2020-07-10 10:54:12,408] [pool-7-thread-1] [ERROR] Exception in xxxxxx API: Unable to find vCenter Server credentials for 4086bc946b51234bd7a81e7d6d92eabcded474fbd amongst 2 vCenter Server credentials of [VCenterRegistration for abcdesf-12c8-4efc-97e3-12345b38ad61 ( username=administrator@vsphere.local, VCenterRegistration for 12345678-6134-427c-be24-8afa238abcde ( username=administrator@vsphere.local] at 7/10/20 10:54 AM. See VP server logs for more details.