NetApp HCI
NetApp HCI
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Here is some sample text for the Resolution Guides tab.
- NetApp HCI Hardware
- 2 vmnics are not displayed
- ActiveIQ reports powerSupplyError
- Are any configuration changes required for volumes exceeding 20,000 IOPs?
- Are H-Series using VNC for BMC console?
- AutoSupport Message: Host Baseboard Management Controller Status
- AutoSupport Message: Network interface eth down or cable is unplugged
- AutoSupport Message: Status of other host hardware objects
- AutoSupport Message: VMware cannot connect to storage
- BMC IP unreachable
- Cant login to BMC interface
- Can LDAP authentication for IPMI users of H610S configured?
- Cluster reported a driveFailed - Node ID <X> has <#> failed drive(s): slot <#>
- CMCE makes system status LED on H610S blink amber without causing a reboot
- Compute node stuck on "Host is currently off" status after compute firmware upgrade
- Compute POST halts with Failing DIMM message and shows size as 0MiB
- Connectivity issues between Cisco and Mellanox Switches
- Create a bootable USB Drive with a small DOS version on it
- Creating or modifying a volume fails with "totalSize must be less than 17592186044416"
- Defective LED on H610S chassis
- Determine ports on HCI H series
- DNS setting of H610S BMC has unfamiliar address
- Does NetApp HCI use CIM when collecting hardware information from ESXi?
- Drive Available after Unrecoverable Read error
- FPK Port Incorrect BIOS setting reported on H610S nodes
- H410C - BMC suddenly become inaccessible
- H410C IPMI event log reports "Battery Failed" and alert resolves shortly afterwards
- H410C suddenly stops and IPMI shows "Performing power action failed. Please check."
- H410S - all block drives simultaneously marked as Available
- H410S - all drives simultaneously marked as Failed
- H410S BMC remote control Connection Failed
- H410S Power Supply Failure detected and amber light on
- H410 Power Supply Failure detected and amber light on due to faulty 2U H-series chassis slot
- H500E compute node hangs
- H600 Series damaged rail mounts
- H610S fanSensor alert "PSx Fan RPM is failed or missing"
- H610S nodeOffline with BMC hang and 'Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled' events
- H610S node cannot boot with power cycle error
- H610S node offline Volt_CPU1_ABC Voltage Lower Critical
- H610S NVRAM device problems detected, metadata drive will be removed
- H610S Reporting fault for incorrect bios setting "Current IPMI over LAN"
- H610S RTFI via BMC virtual media failure
- H610S support for single NVDIMM configuration
- H610S: erroneous NVRAM error messages
- H615C - NVIDIA Tesla T4 shown as 32 separate GPUs in ESXi 6.7
- H615C Memory DIMM with Uncorrectable ECC
- H615C reports alert Fan_SYSx_x Lower Critical - Going Low
- Hardware check failed with CPU Intel Xeon Gold 5120T on H610S
- HCC storage cluster healthcheck hangs
- HCI:All compute nodes in the same chassis are not accessible on the vCenter
- HCI compute host crashed with CATERR and Uncorrectable CPU error
- HCI compute node keeps rebooting due to incorrect boot sequence
- HCI compute node unresponsive and does not boot up
- HCI node overheat greater than 90 degree celsius
- How to access BMC and change IP address on H6xx Series
- How to configure SMTP Alert on H615C/H610S BMC
- How to configure SNMP in BMC for H410S or H410C nodes
- How to configure the SNMP in BMC for H61xC or H610S
- How to disable IPMI Over LAN on NetApp H-Series Nodes
- How to disable SSDP protocol from running on H610-series
- How to enable auto power on after node encountered a power outage
- How to find DIMM size and manufacturer of H410C via BMC/IPMI
- How to gather BMC Version, Hardware and Sensor Details from a H610/H615 BMC SMASHLITE SCORPION CLI
- How to install a signed (certificate authority) certificate on NetApp Element software
- How to install SSL Certificate on NetApp HCI's BMC
- How to regenerate self-signed certificate of IPMI
- How to reset the BMC settings back to factory default
- How to setup System Firewall on H610S BMC
- How to turn on the UID LED light on an H series 2x4 chassis
- How to upgrade BMC firmware on H610 Series to version 3.76.07
- IPMI access to all compute nodes is failed
- IPMI v2.0 Password vulnerability on H series and SF series nodes
- IPMI WebUI access stuck on blank screen after login
- BMC/IPMI not accessible after being set or an upgrade
- ISOLINUX error message when mounting an ISO from BMC
- Is LLDP enabled on iDRAC/BMC port of SolidFire storage nodes?
- Is there any impact if the IPMI certificate expires
- Management controller unavailable SEL entry due to false positive AC lost event
- Mellanox Switch gets stuck when one MLAG port is shutdown
- Mellanox switch hung due to Too many open files
- NDE couldn't validate jumbo frames on compute nodes
- NDE failed at 99% configuring network devices
- NetApp H-series IPMI SSH security vulnerability
- NetApp H-Series storage node BMC is not accessible
- NetApp H410C compute node has CATERR alert and not responding
- NetApp H610S cannot access to BMC after setting Shared NIC
- NetApp H610S node reboots unexpectedly with uncorrectable machine check error
- NetApp H610s node with all LEDs off
- NetApp H610S storage node power off and on procedure
- NetApp HCI - Where to download Windows 2019 Drivers for H615C ?
- NetApp SolidFire node crashed
- Node can't boot up during the upgrade of compute firmware 2.179.0
- 'Node DIMM initialization fail' error on NetApp H6xx
- Node offline with Management controller unavailable errors in SEL
- Node reboots unexpectedly with CPU IERR
- Node reboot before booting Ember
- Node reboot with crash file 'BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at XXXXX' on H610S
- Node services are hung and all drives become available after a Correctable ECC error
- NVDIMM errors on H610S node upon first boot
- NVIDIA GPU cores do not report all RAM allocated after H series compute node driver update
- NVIDIA vGPU manager in ESXi 6.5 returns an error
- NVRAM device error= No device found on H410S platform
- PANIC bora/vmkernel/main/dlmalloc.c:4924 - Usage error in dlmalloc on H410C
- Persistent powerSupplyError and fanSensor on H410 chassis
- Physical location of drive and WebUI display are mismatched
- Power supply failure on NetApp H Series nodes
- PSU status shown as "Not Present" but no issues at the host itself
- Recurring PSU events on NetApp HCI H410S
- RTFI failed with error "Cannot find valid solidfire install image"
- RTFI fails on H610S with 'NVDIMMs are not armed'
- Serial number of H-Series node reverts to HMxxxxxxx after RTFI or firmware update
- Storage disconnections after Mellanox firmware upgrade
- Storage node without metadata drive
- Storage node with ext4-fs error on the console
- The chassis serial number is wrong
- Troubleshoot ESXi unresponsive state
- Unable to communicate with H615C using SNMP
- Unable to launch BMC remote console with "Connection failed. Closing the Viewer."
- Unable to power on compute nodes and view BMC GUI Java console after RTFI
- Unable to RTFI and login to BMC after BMC upgrade
- USB RTFI of HCI node fails with "No valid Solidfire image found"
- VMWare ESXi reports "Lost path redundancy" and node turns unresponsive node
- What are the product names on HCI when checking Security Advisories?
- What does the SolidFire AIQ event iSCSI session reinstatement count increase mean?
- What is default FEC mode of Mellanox 25GbE port on HCI?
- What is the best practice for power-off or maintenance on a SolidFire cluster?
- What is the difference between tRTFI and iRTFI for SolidFire and HCI storage nodes?
- What is the size limit for volumes in SolidFire?
- What version of lighttpd running on NetApp HCI
- Why does H610S boot automatically when reconnecting the power cable?
- Management services for Element Software and NetApp HCI
- Adding custom SSL certificate for Jetty service on Element mnode
- BMC Self Test failed on Element 12.3
- Do Solidfire and HCI systems have ASUP like ONTAP?
- Element Cluster has not reported to Active IQ in over 30 minutes
- Failed to login HCC with error errors.genericLoginFailure
- HCC compute firmware page doesn't show node info but with error
- HCC fails to display storage nodes or compute nodes under the upgrade section
- HCC showing "An unknown error occurred while communicating with management node"
- HCC shows "inventory.computeInventoryError"
- HCI Compute node related API info has not been collected timely on SolidFire ActiveIQ
- How to clean up and setup Management Node manually
- How to run pre-upgrade storage health checks using HCC UI or API
- How to set up compute node management in NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- How to work around a time out error in NetApp HCC during a management services update
- Hybird Cloud Control-Failed to Fetch Cluster List error on Upgrade Compute Firmware
- Is SU547 implementation required again after the previous action?
- Management Services 2.24: How to remove obsolete volumes
- Management Services Release Notes
- Management services upgade from 2.13.38 to 2.17.52 is failed at percentage 56
- mNode no longer accessible by ssh after update to Management Services 2.18.91 or above
- NDE Scale keeps going back to vCenter page
- NetApp HCI - Unable to push CA certificates and CRLs to host when adding a host
- NetApp HCI and Rancher troubleshooting
- setup-mnode fails with 503 Server Error: Service Unavailable (auth configuration)
- SolidFire cluster not reporting after upgrading to Element 11.7
- The Element Plug-in loses the cluster settings
- Unable to access node Ui with xPermissionsDenied
- Unreachable mellanox switch via Out-of-Band management with all ports down
- Update of the mnode-support-util fails with invalid syntax
- VCP cannot deploy after vCenter upgrade
- VMware Element Plugin (VCP) for vCenter stops working after upgrading vCenter to version 7 U3
- Which verison of VCP support vCenter 7 upate 3?
- NetApp HCI Operating System
- Upgrading vCenter Server from 6.5 to 6.7 fails at Pre-upgrade check with the alert: The source machine hostname resolves to IPV6 address(es)
- ActiveIQ reports cluster as healthy but Element API shows disk failed or node offline error
- After NDE deployment vSphere is not accessible
- After upgrading to Compute Firmware 2.154.4 via HCC the BIOS wasn't updated
- AIQ shows duplicate compute nodes
- 'CreateVolume Failed: Exceeded maximum number of volumes. Limit is <x>' alert in Element software
- Applying Storage Firmware Bundle fails due to "Maintenance mode process failed"
- Are Broadcom BES-53248 switches supported with NetApp HCI?
- Are there any failure detection mechanizm for Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) ?
- Are there any qualified NICs that can be used with NetApp HCI nodes?
- Are vulnerabilities found in NetApp HCI Compute Node (Bootstrap OS) have any impact?
- ARP table isn't being updated at a Mellanox switch
- At least one initiator has non standard name
- AutoSupport Message: Due to high capacity consumption Helix data protection will not recover if a node fails
- AutoSupport Message: Host connection and power state
- AutoSupport Message: Host hardware fan status
- AutoSupport Message: Host hardware system board status on HCI Compute Node
- AutoSupport Message: Host hardware system power status
- AutoSupport Message: Host hardware temperature status
- AutoSupport Message: Host Ipmi System Event Log Status
- AutoSupport Message: Host storage status
- AutoSupport Message: LowDriveLife NetApp HCI
- Node <x> is not using LACP on the sipi interface
- AutoSupport Message: Vasa Provider Disconnected
- AutoSupport Message: VMware Alerts
- AutoSupport Message: VMware Alert Type
- A metadata service is unhealthy warning due to a failed drive
- A warning alert displayed in VMware skyline for devices deprecated
- Bare Metal Windows Server Fails to Boot
- Block cluster full due to drives being in an available state in Element software
- Block Cluster Full Error
- BMC Java console view is stuck
- Bond10G connectivity goes down after upgrade to Element software 11.3 and above
- Bond10G stops responding when shutting down one of the Bond10G ports manually
- BPN_ART Temp state event from HCI Compute Node
- Browser is being redirected from SolidFire FQDN to MVIP
- Cannot access to /hcc and /mnode after mNode restarts
- Can a deleted user account or password be recovered on Element Cluster UI?
- Can a replication work using Cisco DMvpn and 1200 MTU?
- Can a single compute node cluster be upgraded with HCC?
- Can HCI compute nodes use passthrough USB devices to a Virtual Machine
- Can I update the Site and Location for an HCI cluster on the NetApp Support Site?
- Can I upgrade H615C node from CB06.C0 to bundle 2.154.4?
- Can I use ephemeral or standard distributed virtual portgroups to connect vCenter on NetApp HCI?
- Can I use HCC with VMware lockdown mode?
- Can memory DIMM be replaced in H300 H500 H700
- Can NetApp HCI compute node report to Active IQ without SolidFire storage cluster?
- Can the Element cluster VASA provider be registered in more than one vCenter?
- Can we see the snapshot space in ActiveIQ?
- Can we upgrade the NetApp compute firmware in one shoot?
- Can you shrink datastore size on HCI/SolidFire?
- Changing volume size and access from VCP 4.3 will cause incorrect capacity
- Chassis resiliency threshold alert on a 2 HCI Chassis Cluster
- Cleondris failback fails with "Could not find the network on host" error
- Client-Side Filesystem Usage Mismatch with SolidFire Cluster Volume Metrics
- clockSkewExceedsFaultThreshold alert on Element cluster
- Cluster Master bouncing due to high packet drops on Bond1G caused by MLAG loop
- Cluster not reporting on Element 11.2 and lower
- Compute firmware upgrade fails because the drivers are not compatible
- NetApp HCI host becomes non-responsive - IPMI SEL unavailable
- Compute nodes disappeared from Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC)
- Compute nodes not shown at the HCC after vCenter server change
- Compute nodes running VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 2 may encounter long reboot times or storage path errors during boot
- Compute node boots directly to Ember instead ESXi
- Compute node not visible on NDE inventory after firmware upgrade
- Compute Node reboot takes longer and stuck on "vmw_vaaip_netapp loaded successfully"
- Compute node RTFI fails with UnhandledError pid=1 cmd=return ${rc}
- Compute node stuck in unresponsive state in vCenter after multiple ECC errors
- Compute node unresponsive due to SATADOM issues
- Configuration of mNode 11.3+ fails: CRITICAL:Configuring auth service failed: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized
- Connecting to Remote Virtual Console on iDRAC/BMC fails to connect
- 'Correctable ECC memory error' on NetApp HCI compute nodes
- "CPLD Flashing Failed" occurs during upgrade due to ipmitool failure
- Create VMFS datastore failed: cannot change the host configuration
- Creating folders in vCenter breaks HCI Scale
- CVE-2021-3156 - Is NetApp SolidFire and HCI Management Node vulnerable?
- Datastores are shown as "Not Consumed" in vCenter
- Datastore creation via VCP Element Software Plugin fails with "No available disks to create a datastore on"
- Datastore in vCenter shows as inaccessible
- Default value 'string' in Swagger UI fields causes various problems related to mNode functionality
- DependencyError occurs when upgrading Mellanox ESXi Driver on HCI compute node
- Disruption during EOS upgrade on 2 nodes cluster
- Does iSCSI default gateway migration disrupt HCI storage connectivity to the compute nodes?
- Does upgrading ESXi have any impact on the HCI storage cluster?
- Do HCI's SSDs have the same unexpected failures as VMware KB 79471?
- Do we need to update a new storage node before adding it to HCI cluster?
- During DR Failover using Cleondris, VMs are unable to register in vCenter
- Easy scale compute node expansion fails when its attempted from same node which had a success earlier
- Easy Scale fails at Connect to vCenter step when scaling a node into an EVC-enabled HCI cluster
- Easy Scale fails to add compute node
- Easy Scale fails to add compute node when NSX is enabled on HCI Cluster in vCenter.
- Easy Scale fails when vmnics are not set to Active in fail-over configuration on existing ESXi host
- Easy Scale fails with EVC error when scaling a compute node into an HCI cluster using VSS
- Element cluster event: Number of virtual volumes is approaching or has exceeded the maximum recommended limit
- Element cluster fails to report to ActiveIQ due to out of memory condition in the mNode AIQ collector service
- Element cluster UI not accepting login credentials
- Element cluster upgrade fails with: UpgradeError: Staging storage node <storage node name> failed on mNode
- Element Management Node is vulnerable to CVE-2021-23017
- Element OS 12.0+ MVIP cannot login due to NTP sync
- Element Plug-In for VMware returns "Server error" after registration
- Element software upgrade fails during NIC firmware upgrade
- Element WebUI Widgets not loading on newly created cluster
- Error connecting to remote vCenter server when registering vCenter plug-in
- Error "Failing DIMM: DIMM location" on H410C
- Error Loading /s.v00 Fatal Error: 8 (Device Error) when booting up a compute node
- Error "Unable to connect to the BMC" for compute nodes in HCC
- Error: 413 - request entity too large message on HCI compute nodes
- Error: command failed: Failed to modify efficiency configuration of the volume
- ESXi HBA rescan out of memory alert
- ESXi hosts keep becoming unresponosive and disappearing from vCenter
- ESXi hosts offline during Element cluster upgrade
- ESXi host and VM's down due to unresponsive host
- ESXi host disconnects with vpxd heartbeat timeout
- ESXi host down due to PSOD error
- ESXi host ended up without local datastore after being added using NDE Scale
- ESXi host intermittently disconnecting from vCenter
- ESXi host in hung state
- ESXi host PSOD due to NMI failing to ack TLB invalidate
- ESXi host unresponsive due to NMLX driver fault
- ESXi host with problematic Broadcom FCoE driver
- ESXi memory warning "All functionality is available but some might be degraded"
- ESXi partition is lost by RTFI using compute iso image
- ESXi upgrade fails with Configuration Upgrade Failure:
- ESXi upgrade fails with "Failed to set the host acceptance level configuration" error
- Expired Certificate Stopping Upgrade Element Software
- '-E- Burning FS3 image failed' error when upgrading Element cluster
- Failed management services upgrade
- 'Failed to create Snapshot copy snapmirror' on Veaam software environment
- Frequent iSCSI aborts on all hosts with one host exhibiting exponentially
- Front power LEDs are blinking on all nodes within 2x4 chassis
- FRU Replacements for the Mellanox SN2700 Switch
- Full datastore causing VMs to go offline in Element software
- H-series compute node graphics card not detected
- H410C - Power Supply Failure detected - Assertion
- Unable to Power ON one of the H410C node in the chassis and Power supply not detected
- hardwareConfigMismatch alerts after adding new nodes to the cluster
- hardware_check failed by restoredIncompleteFlashImage during RTFI
- HCC- Compute node widget in the Dashboard shows error - Unreachable vCenter instance
- HCC alert due to controller asset credentials mismatch
- HCC cannot access repositories after mNode reboot
- HCC compute healthcheck and firmware upgrade of vSphere Cluster Service
- HCC compute node FW upgrade failed to mount ISO
- HCC displays "string" instead of mNode hostname
- HCC displays 'Upgrade Error' status during compute node firmware upgrade, yet the nodes upgrade successfully
- HCC error banner shows "One or more vCenter instances cannot be reached" due to vCenter memory usage
- HCC error "We're not able to reach some services that require internet access to utilize"
- HCC Error: Cluster cannot be reached causing some information to be unavailable
- HCC failed to connect to BMC
- HCC FW upgrade fails with "Not able to collect all upgrade related logs from Serial-Over-Lan output"
- HCC Healthcheck fails with Invalid IP address error
- HCC login to mNode FQDN fails with "Something went wrong during the login process" error
- HCC login to mNode IP fails with "Something went wrong during the login process" error
- HCC not available after failed management services upgrade
- HCC storage firmware upgrades appear to fail and halt the upgrade
- HCC storage upgrade health check fails
- HCC stuck consuming high CPU
- HCC stuck on 'Welcome to NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control' page with inaccessible mnode swagger
- HCC Upgrade 2.99.2 Storage Firmware Bundle fails due to ensemble miss configuration
- HCI - How to add an HCI Compute node when Easy Scale fails
- HCI - iSCSI datastores are showing Dead or Error in VMware ESXi
- HCI - NDE Fails during vCenter install
- HCI - vsphere HA detected that this host is network isolated from the cluster
- HCI compute host crashed with uncorrectable memory error
- HCI Compute host hangs during backup
- HCI compute node Disk0 SMART failure
- HCI compute node expansion fails with GPU compatibility error
- HCI compute node firmware upgrade error
- HCI compute node lost iSCSI storage adapter
- HCI compute node lost storage access during switch outage
- HCI compute node may PSOD with 'Usage error in dlmalloc'
- HCI Compute node not responding in vCenter
- HCI Compute node reporting "Port 0 Intel SSDSCKJB240G7 SMART Status"
- HCI Compute node reports error in vCentre - Status of other host hardware objects due to old BMC SEL entries
- HCI Compute node Root account locked
- HCI compute node stops with hardware related RTFI_HARDWARE_FAILURES error during RTFI
- HCI compute node stuck in boot loop after installing FW bundle
- HCI compute node unresponsive and VMs offline after moving to a new cluster and VDS
- HCI Compute Upgrade Error Message - Configuration Upgrade Failure
- HCI Compute upgrade ESXi 6.7 to 7.0u3c can create incompatible VIB's
- HCI datastores show inaccessible after recent power outage
- HCI DIMM read DqDqs is failed errors
- HCI Element cluster upgrade failed with network error
- HCI ESXi compute node not responding
- HCI H410S peripheral temperature alerts received in IPMI
- HCI H6xx compute node status LED amber with Memory Correctable ECC
- HCI - iSCSI disks/datastores are showing normal, degraded in VMware
- HCI NDE deployment failing to join vCenter at 99 percent
- HCI NDE error of incompatible node version when selecting inventory
- HCI NDE fails with "The vcenter server is not valid" error when trying to add storage or compute node
- HCI NDE fails with 'Unlicensed License' and SSL errors
- HCI NDE scale storage node failed on 'Validating Deployment Data'
- HCI nodes are unreachable on management network and VMs are inaccessible
- HCI nodes in the same chassis going offline or rebooting
- HCI node expansion failing with DNS error
- HCI Scale fails during VDS creation due to Duplicate Name
- HCI Scale Fails with: The deployment cannot start because an operation is in progress on this installation
- HCI storage node fails to get added to cluster after failed RTFI
- HCI Storage Node Bond10G interface Unresponsive & Node reports OFFLINE
- NetApp HCI Troubleshooting: You encounter error message after attempting management services update after recent cluster upgrade to Element 12
- HealthCheck running at HCC UI is not responding or stuck
- Health checks fails upgrading firmware from NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- Health checks on the compute nodes fail with error: An unknown error occurred. Contact your technical support engineer
- High Latency in Volumes due to VM Boot Storms after power outage
- High latency on SolidFire storage volume due to Max IOPs QoS set too low
- High Utilization on multiple volumes via OpenStack
- "Host connection and power state" Message Due to Network Connectivity Issues
- "Host connection and power state" Message When Compute Node Has Crashed
- "Host connection and power state" Message When Compute Node is Down
- 'Host is not compatible with the VDS version 7.0.0' error on NDE logs during HCI Scale
- How does Element calculate the Effective Max Bandwidth in the Volumes Web UI?
- How is ESXi version selected when adding compute node by NDE?
- How is volume "Used Capacity" percentage calculated in the Element UI?
- How to access the bootstrap OS on a NetApp HCI compute node
- How to access the Web UI of a Mellanox switch
- How to add an HCI compute node with Scale
- How to add assets by prompt using mnode-support-util
- How to add a compute node into a VDS-enabled HCI cluster when Easy Scale fails with an EVC error
- How to add multiple compute node assets into HCC using PowerCLI
- How to add networking to an HCI Compute Host
- How to add SolidFire node to a cluster without Jumbo frames?
- How to apply NIC Driver to H410C
- How to backup and restore configuration on Mellanox switches
- How to backup current inventory using mnode-support-util
- How to block the CIFS and NFS protocols on the Element mNode
- How to capture management traffic on an ESXi host
- How to change target email for auto generated HCI support cases
- How to change Temp Inlet sensor thresholds on a H615C node?
- How do I change the company name in Active IQ of an Element storage cluster?
- How to change the hostname of a NetApp HCI compute node
- How to change vCenter FQDN on NetApp HCI environment
- How to check if BMC is up and running
- How to check mNode functionality using mnode-support-util
- How to check SAS adapter firmware version of Supermicro compute node
- How to check which VMs are utilizing the most resource of a datastore
- How to clean up Element VCP plugin after communication between management node (mNode) and vCenter are lost
- How to collect Mellanox switch logs
- How to collect mNode and docker support data using mnode-support-util
- How to collect storage support bundle using mnode-support-util
- How to configure an HCI compute node to reboot automatically after hanging on the purple diagnostic screen
- How to configure firewall network ports for Element cluster
- How to correct vmnic mapping for setup compute node manually
- How to create an RTFI key to re-image a SolidFire storage node
- How to create an unmanaged snapmirror endpoint relationship between Element and ONTAP
- How to create RDM disks with Element VCP
- How to create SnapMirror replication from ONTAP to Element
- How to delete a SnapMirror relationship between HCI and ONTAP
- How to deploy a new mNode for Element 11.3 and higher
- How to determine hyperthreading is enabled on ESXi compute node
- How to determine the correct part number for H610S,H615C power supply replacements
- How to determine which VLAN IP's are in use and which nodes those IP's are assigned to in Element
- How to disable a VMware alarm
- How to disable HA admission control in vSphere
- How to disable lockdown mode on ESXi host
- How to display the list of assets using mnode-support-util
- How to download firmware of NVIDIA Mellanox switch
- How to download VMware ESXi drivers from Broadcom Support Portal
- How to enable multipathing with SolidFire volumes using OpenStack Nova
- How to enable protocol specific debug on Mellanox switches
- How to escape from Safe Mode on HCI Compute Node
- How to extract vmkernel-zdump files
- How to find BIOS version and BMC FW revision on H410C via BMC/IPMI
- How to find the BMC IP address from ESXi shell on a NetApp HCI compute node
- How to generate CA signed certificate for Mellanox to connect to OpenFlow
- How to get a hardware tag of H615C compute node via BMC
- How to get disk information on NetApp HCI Compute nodes
- How to get 'show running-config' output without the enable command
- How to get the current temperature threshold on NetApp HCI
- How to handle certificate that is expired or about to expire from vCenter Server
- How to install ESXi on NetApp HCI compute node manually
- How to locate the NetApp HCI management node (mNode) IP address
- How to manage multiple storage clusters from Hybrid Cloud Control
- How to manually add an HCI compute node using host profiles
- How to manually install Element Plug-in for VMware vCenter Server
- How to match H series compute node firmware to the VMware Hardware Compatibility List
- How to monitor the volume usage capacity
- How to monitor upgrades and health checks in HCC using swagger
- How to perform NetApp Element software upgrade using mnode-support-util
- How to power off and power on a NetApp HCI system
- How to re-register Element VCP plugin in a vSphere environment
- How to rebuild the NetApp HCI management node Docker swarm overlay network
- How to reduce wear on the boot drive of a Netapp HCI compute node
- How to refresh inventory using mnode-support-util
- How to regenerate a VASA provider certificate in vCenter
- How to relocate an HCI compute node to another environment with matching ESXi versions
- How to remove all current assets using mnode-support-util
- How to remove a single asset using mnode-support-util
- How to remove ESXi partition from NetApp HCI compute nodes
- How to remove HCI compute node and storage node
- How to remove NetApp HCI components from VMware vCenter
- How to replace a failed power supply unit in an H-series chassis
- How to replace a storage node in a 2-node HCI cluster
- How to replace compute node using HCC
- How to reset BMC on NetApp HCI compute nodes
- How to resolve clockSkewExceedsFaultThreshold alert on a witness node
- How to resolve Witness Node issues prior to upgrading compute nodes
- How to restart the BMC on the H61xx nodes
- How to restart the NDE process if NDE or scale failed?
- How to restore assets from backup json file using mnode-support-util
- How to RTFI a NetApp H410S Node via BMC
- How to RTFI a NetApp HCI node or Storage Node using a USB key
- How to RTFI a node via BMC
- How to run a compute HCI cluster health check using mnode-support-util
- How to run a storage cluster health check using mnode-support-util
- How to run compute health checks prior to upgrading compute node firmware using HCC or API
- How to send vCenter data to Active IQ in large compute environments
- How to setup compute node in 6-cable Standard Switch configuration from scratch without using NDE Scale
- How to setup compute node in Distributed Switch configuration from scratch without using NDE Scale
- How to setup the BMC and change the IP address on SolidFire Nodes
- How to set up the Hybrid Cloud Control user in vCenter
- How to suspend fault tolerance on virtual machines in a vSphere cluster
- How to test and review VMFS datastore performance using Vdbench
- How to troubleshoot HCI Scale using APIPA
- How to update asset password by type using mnode-support-util
- How to update a storage admin password for monitoring services on mNode with Element software 11.3 or later
- How to update management services using mnode-support-util
- How to update management services using the REST API
- How to update NetApp HCI compute node firmware and drivers
- How to update single asset password by type using mnode-support-util
- How to update Supermicro Update Manager to run RawCommands
- How to upgrade Mellanox Native ESXi Driver for VMware vSphere using CLI
- How to upgrade NIC firmware on HCI compute nodes using CLI
- How to upgrade to Vcenter in an HCI environment
- How to upgrade vCenter in an HCI environment
- How to upload Element image or compute firmware bundle using mnode-support-util
- How to use IPMICFG on NetApp H410C nodes
- How to use the mNode support utility
- How to view and access MVIP reports in Element Software
- How to update the vCenter Controller asset by using the management node REST API
- Hybrid Cloud Control BMC health check failure to connect
- Hybrid Cloud Control compute firmware check has 'unable to detect' status
- Hybrid Cloud Control compute firmware upgrade fails with 'Upgrade Error'
- Hybrid Cloud Control compute health check fails with BMC errors
- Hybrid Cloud Control fails to connect to vCenter with authentication error
- Hybrid Cloud Control hangs at auth callback with blank screen due to NTP drift
- Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) does not show HCI compute nodes due to duplicate vCenter entries
- Hybrid Cloud Control login hangs at https://<mNodeIP>/hcc/auth-callback
- If can update ESXi password in batches?
- Impossible to add a second VASA provider to a single vCenter server
- Inaccessible VCSA when migrated off of a vVol deployed on HCI cluster
- Inaccessible volume with xYourBinAssignmentsOutOfDate on slice logs
- Intel NIC adapters are not detected after upgrading from ESXi 6.7 to 7.0.3L
- Intel NIC physical port remains up when vmnic interface is explicitly set to down
- ipmitool is not installed by default on HCI compute nodes
- IPMI/BMC randomly inaccessible on NetApp Element software
- iSCSI adapter missing on vCenter / ESXi Host
- iSCSI disconnects due to network problems
- iSCSI session socket error count errors after upgrade to ESXi 6.7
- ISO file fails to upload to HCC
- Is ESXi 7 and vCenter Server 7 supported on H500e and H500s?
- Is HCI compatible with newer versions of Element Software than provided in the HCI bundle?
- Is it possible to change the error threshold alert in Active IQ?
- Is it possible to delete the IPMI user "Anonymous" ?
- Is it possible to determine what failure occurs from the LED lamp?
- Is it possible to monitor multiple NetApp HCI clusters with single management node?
- Is it possible to upgrade the storage firmware in a single storage node?
- Is it safe to rename VMware Port Groups in a production environment?
- Is the performance of the datastore being fully utilized as CrystalDiskMark result?
- lacpApiVersion alert while upgrading vCenter
- 'Last gcCompleted event was over 12 hours ago' during a maintenance
- LDAP Authentication to H610S and H615C BMC fails
- LIC012:The license file does not exist.
- Logging attempts from the vCenter to the mnode
- Log in to HCC not allowed
- Management Node Docker environement cleanup
- Management node is not posting metrics to Active IQ
- Mellanox switches SSD disk firmware update
- Mellanox switch intermittently rebooting
- Mellanox switch no longer boots up after Onyx firmware upgrade
- Memory Module Reports Physical Element Failing
- Metadata Capacity of the Protection Domains in the VCP is displayed as Full when cloning volume
- Microsoft Windows 2019 or later VM sticks on the boot logo
- MissingTokenError when "Attempting to retrieve auth token"
- Missing HBA ports on FC0025
- Missing NICs on NetApp HCI Compute node
- MLAG on Mellanox switch reports Failed to grow the pool size err -12
- mNode Management Services API authorization fails with 'auth errorError: Bad Request, error: invalid_client'
- mNode Telemetry Service log shows “WARNING Mnode /about returned mnode_host_ip=unknown”
- Multiple datastores disconnected after iSCSI initiator name change
- Multiple H410 nodes reporting power supply unit failure and presence not detected or unknown
- NDE - HCI Scaling of additional compute nodes fails with Duplicate IPs
- NDE easy scale fails to add compute node
- NDE fails at configuring the network
- NDE or Scale fails to discover new compute node
- NDE process stuck connecting to vCenter when trying to scale compute node
- NDE Scale fails when adding compute node to a cluster with more than one Volume Access Group
- NDE scale operation completes with a failed error during compute node replacement
- NDE unexpectedly fails during install while trying to add a compute node
- NDE version 1.6 fails during pre-tests on Jumbo frames
- Need compute node's NDE version upgrade to match with storage node after the HCI upgrade?
- NetApp compute nodes are not shown on Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) & Active IQ (AIQ)
- NetApp compute nodes stopped reporting and not updating anymore
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) fails at 99 percent during mNode configuration in NetApp HCI 1.7
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) fails during ESXi setup due to boot order
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) fails during ESXi setup due to switch misconfigure
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) fails immediately
- NetApp Deployment Engine(NDE) or Scale does not allow to select a storage node due to incorrect drive count detected error
- NetApp Deployment Engine(NDE) or Scale fails to discover new compute and storage nodes
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) Scale shows errors but new compute nodes are present in the cluster
- NetApp Element block sync job stuck with no remaining time
- NetApp Element cluster UI fails to load because the SSL certificate is expired
- NetApp Element cluster upgrade using HCC fails with "The storage cluster ID was not found on the mnode api"
- NetApp Element software upgrade error using HCC
- NetApp Element software upgrade from 12.3 to 12.7 fails
- NetApp H410 node reports offline and is not reachable by ping
- NetApp H610S has NETWORK_FIRMWARE_VERSION mismatch alert after node downgrade or RMA replacement
- NetApp H610S RTFI issue with hardware check failed message for BIOS_VERSION
- NetApp H615C compute node crashed with CATERR alert and not rebooting
- NetApp HCI - ESXi root account keeps getting locked
- NetApp HCI - How to upgrade vSphere v6.7 to 7.0u3
- Netapp HCI - Hybrid Cloud Control page does not load and appears blank
- NetApp HCI - NDE Scale failed due to NTP Server time out
- NetApp HCI - Unable to initialize NVIDIA Tesla T4 after upgrading to ESXi 7
- NetApp HCI Compute firmware upgrade in HCC does not progress
- NetApp HCI Compute Nodes are missing/ not detected in ActiveIQ
- NetApp HCI Compute Nodes do not show in inventory when ESXi uses lockdown mode
- NetApp HCI compute node PSOD with memory training failure alert
- NetApp HCI Compute Node Scale fails with network settings error
- NetApp HCI Compute node unresponsive upon switch reboot
- NetApp HCI datastore shows disconnections events
- NetApp HCI Easy Scale fails with "Distributed port group none"
- NetApp HCI End Of Availability (EOA)
- NetApp HCI error: Power supply [PS1/PS2] input missing or out of range that requires chassis replacement
- NetApp HCI ESXi 7.0 drivers
- NetApp HCI - Machine Check Error on H610C/H615C node
- NetApp HCI - NDE scale failed during validation with error 'HciConfig Validation Errors: Password is not valid'
- NetApp HCI/SolidFire Element Software Upgrade completes but Cluster UI shows older version
- NetApp HCI system not coming back online after data center move
- NetApp HCI unresponsive compute node
- NetApp HCI unresponsive compute node with VMs showing as disconnected
- NetApp HCI unsupported compute cable configuration error
- NetApp HCI - Where to download Windows Drivers for H300/H500/H700 ?
- NetApp SolidFire Node does not boot
- NetApp SolidFire SRA reports error: Cannot protect datastore which span 2 consistency groups
- NetApp Solidire node stuck after configuring the network
- Network Adapter Auto Negotiation Status May Change on Compute Nodes
- Network and BIOS firmware version mismatch after upgrading to Element 12.3
- Network connectivity issue on NSX edge using Mellanox ConnectX
- Newly added HCI compute node in vSphere cluster ended up using IP address instead of FQDN in vCenter
- Newly created cluster not showing on SolidFire Active IQ
- NIC firmware version mismatch alert on Element software
- NMI IPI: Panic request by another PCPU PSOD on ESXi host
- NodeOffline alerts after maintenance event or environmental power outage
- nodeOffline alert after Element cluster upgrade
- NTFS errors on VDI clients
- NVIDIA Mellanox switch shows status down in mlag configuration
- Old IP address of vCenter remains in Active IQ
- One CPU is hotter than the other ones and reaches up to 97C
- "One or more vCenter instances cannot be reached.." alert is displayed and Compute Nodes are not displayed on HCC
- 'One or more vCenter instances cannot be reached' alert on HCC
- One port of a compute node is flapping constantly
- ONTAP Cluster / Node IP Address Changes post ONTAP Deploy Change IP Addr
- OpenStack creates two Element volumes with the same OpenStack name
- "Page Unresponsive" when using NetApp Element software GUI
- PANIC bora/vmkernel/main/dlmalloc.c:4933 - Usage error in dlmalloc on H615C node
- Performance issues after upgrading compute nodes to vsphere 7.0U2
- Persistent 'FanXA RPM is failed or missing'
- Physical adapter port for virtual switch not working
- Potential issues and workarounds when running storage upgrades using NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control
- "Power Supply is unresponsive" on Mellanox SN2010
- Pressing Resume button returns to upgrade initial screen without error
- Problem registering plugin against vCenter Server 7
- PSOD "LINT1/NMI (motherboard nonmaskable interrupt)" with PCIe error in BMC
- PSOD on ESXi 6.7 with "RSSPlugCleanupRSSEngine@(lb_netqueue_bal)"
- PSOD on ESXi 6.7 with "VERIFY bora/vmkernel/sched/cpusched.c:11635"
- PSOD on NetApp H410C 'no heartbeat'
- PSOD with "could not start pcpu 1; no response to kick" error
- PSOD with 'Internal Parity Error' on H410C
- QoSSIOC automation disables automatically after being enabled on Element Plug-In for vCenter
- Recurring power supply hardware events on NetApp HCI
- Remote replication failback is taking much longer than expected
- Remote Replication reports remoteRepAsyncDelayExceeded and never gets past ResumingDataTransfer
- Replacement node with no video signal
- Requirements for HCI Scale to work in NDE
- Resolving 'One or more vCenter instances cannot be reached' errors on HCC
- RTFI an SF series node using iDRAC Virtual Console and Virtual Media
- RTFI does not configure Bond1G interface if the cable is not plugged in
- RTFI of HCI compute node stops with hardware related RTFI_HARDWARE_FAILURES error
- Scale fails with "The vcenter server is not valid" error
- Scaling fails against datacenter with H615C hosts
- 'Service is not available during upgrade' state after updating H410C compute node BMC
- setup-mnode fails on 12.3 mNode due to volume 'NetApp-HCI-task-orchestration-service' present from prior cleanup
- Setup-mnode the script failed with UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character
- Set IPMI/BMC credentials on NetApp HCI compute nodes
- sfupgradecheck fails with xUnknownAPIVersion code 500
- Slow performance during vMotion migration
- SMB share vulnerability found at the management node
- SnapMirror fails with volume access error
- SnapMirror transfers from Element software to ONTAP fail daily
- Solidfire cluster nodes lost cluster information after network outage
- Solidfire FC node reports CRC events from the FC swith due to faulty SFP
- SolidFire/HCI datastores not visible after powerloss or network disruption
- SolidFire/HCI Hybrid Cloud Control Error: Cluster cannot be reached received in HCC after Admin password change
- SolidFire: Troubleshooting ESXI 6.5 host in hung state
- Stale compute node data in NetApp SolidFire Active IQ
- Storage node offline due to read-only filesystem
- Storage node stuck in boot loop with CATERR/MCERR
- Storage node suddenly stops sending LACP packets causing intermittent volumesDegraded and block service alerts
- Stuck/stale alert observed in Active IQ after a drive replacement - hardwareConfigMismatch incorrect block drive size
- System Firmware Error: Unrecoverable hard-disk/ATAPI/IDE device failure
- System logging is not configured on host
- "Temperature Lower Critical" event is detected from AOC_NIC_Temp sensor
- Temperature sensor Inlet Temp is over temperature on NetApp HCI / AFA
- The "Continue" button on the Network Setting page of NDE is unclickable
- The event tab does not work in NetApp SolidFire Active IQ
- "The gateway is not valid" during NDE
- "The IP address is in use" at Network Settings step during NDE Scale Wizard
- The mNode reports storage cluster and vCenter unavailable after upgrading the management services
- The SolidFire Application cannot communicate with Witness node having node ID X
- vMotion error - The target host does not support the virtual machine’s current hardware requirements
- "This content couldn't be loaded" in HCC Firmware upgrade
- Troubleshoot Invalid Gateway in NDE
- Two NIC adapters of a node are missing
- Unable to access KVM console "Partial access privillige to virtual console received because master session is currently reconnecting"
- Unable to Access the mNode
- Unable to access Vsphere console error 503 Service
- Unable to add a NetApp HCI Compute Node
- Unable to add compute BMC asset
- Unable to add H615C nodes to H410C cluster with VSS and 6-cable
- Unable to add HCI compute node to ESXi 7.0U3 cluster using NDE 1.9P1
- Unable to authenticate credentials
- Unable to boot ESXi with "Fatal error : 8 (Device error)" caused by faulty DIMM
- Unable to connect to one or more linked mode vCenters from this vCenter
- Unable to connect to the IPMI remote console
- Unable to create SolidFire backed datastore
- Unable to find Mellnox driver for ESXi 7 on H300E/H500E/H700E
- Unable to initialize SnapMirror between SolidFire and ONTAP
- Unable to launch remote console on H610S with 'Reconnect failed' error
- Unable to load BMC Web UI with 500 - Internal Server Error
- Unable to login to BMC of HCI compute node
- Unable to log into BMC with default password on NetApp H-Series node
- Unable to log in to NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control manageability suite due to NTP time drift
- Unable to Monitor HCI compute nodes on the Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) Dashboard
- Unable to proceed with NDE scale, compute node is grayed out due to issue with EVC
- Unable to remove datastore in vSphere
- Unable to set BMC password on H410C in Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) due to password length issue
- Unable to set new BMC password on H410C node via IPMItool
- Unable to upload NetApp Element 12.7 upgrade image to the cluster on HCC
- Unable to vMotion virtual machine(s) from ESXi host
- NetApp HCI: Compute node fails to boot ESXi due to failed disk
- Upgrade mNode from to fails
- Upgrade package upload to mNode fails with 502 Bad Gateway
- vCenter information in SolidFire AIQ has not been updated due to NOT_RESPONDING hosts
- vCenter login failed with error ' SSO error: Cannot connect to the VMware Component Manager'
- vCenter login fails with Error 503
- vCenter plug-in deployment fails after upgrading vCenter to version 7.0 U3
- vCenter vmware-vpxd service not starting
- VCP Datastore table shows incorrect number of datastores
- Virtual machines not being updated on NetApp SolidFire Active IQ
- Virtual machine freezes during cloning on VVOL datastore
- Virtual networks and storage VRF explained
- vmnicX on compute node is down temporarily
- vMotion failed because ESX hosts were not able to connect over the vMotion network
- vMotion fails on large VMs
- VMs hang during maintenance window of patching and rebooting
- VMs running in HCI compute nodes fail to boot properly after a soft reboot
- VMware Element vCenter Plugin (VCP) stops working after vCenter upgrade
- VMware ESXi and vCenter Server updates address security vulnerabilities CVE-2021-21972, CVE-2021-21973, CVE-2021-21974
- vNIC disconnected after vSphere HA failover or vMotion and reconnecting vNIC fails
- Voltage lower critical - going low alert on H410C nodes
- Voltage lower critical - going low alert on H610S and H615C nodes
- Volumes not reachable on hosts from newly added storage node
- Volume size mismatch using VCP
- vSphere and Windows showing inaccurate capacity size
- vSphere Distributed Switch health check shows "Teaming and Failover" error when a single ESXi host is connected
- vSphere HA failed to create a configuration vVol for this datastore
- vSphere marks NetApp HCI compute nodes as "Incompatible," blocking upgrade to vSphere ESXi 7.x
- VVOLs are no longer accessible and hosts lost their connections to NetApp HCI system
- VVOL datastores go offline by upgrading to vSphere 8
- What are the best practices for ISCSI connections directly from Windows OS servers?
- What are the network requirements to migrate vCenter between VMware clusters?
- What are the phases in the NDE install workflow?
- What are the useful hot keys during an RTFI?
- What do the 'dvport' informational messages mean for my HCI ESXi hosts?
- What ESXi Power Management Policies are supported on H410C Compute Nodes?
- What happens if the Mellanox switches IPL link goes down?
- What is the ESXi components upgrade order for NetApp HCI compute nodes?
- What is the impact on Solidfire/HCI as Adobe Flash Player EOL?
- What is the maximum number of bulk operations per Element node
- What is the purpose of the datastores created by NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) during initial deployment?
- When login to BMC Web UI using FQDN some data are not showing
- Where do I find the Mellanox configuration guides for NetApp HCI?
- Where is the HCI hardening guide located?
- Where to find the SNMP MIB's for Netapp HCI
- Which is the minimum version of Element supports ESXi 7 and ESXi 8?
- Which Mellanox Switches are available for the Netapp HCI?
- Which nginx version is installed with the Element software?
- Which ports needed for Quanta BMC console redirection
- Which serial/console cable can be used for HCI/SF products?
- Why are there not blue drive lights on HCI Compute nodes
- Why do guest virtual machines freeze during backup session snapshot removal process?
- Will NDE Scale work after changing default vMotion TCP IP stack
- Windows Server VM goes into unresponsive state
- Windows virtual machine crashes on VMware ESXi
- Windows VM boots into recovery mode