How to work around a time out error in NetApp HCC during a management services update
Applies to
- Management services 2.10.27
- Management services 2.10.29
- Management services 2.11.34
- Management services 2.13.37
When attempting to update management services from 2.10.27, 2.10.29, or 2.11.34 to 2.13.37, you might be logged out of the Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) user interface or receive an error indicating that the upload and validation was unsuccessful, even though the upload process reached 100%.
Causes: If the authoritative storage cluster managed by the management node is running an Element version earlier than 12.0, there is a hard session timeout of 2 hours after logging into HCC. If this 2-hour window is exceeded while an upload is in process, the upload will not complete and the user will be logged out of HCC so that a new session can be started.
If the authoritative storage cluster managed by the management node is running Element 12.0 or later, there is a known issue where an upload from HCC will fail if it takes longer than 2 minutes to complete.