NDE fails at configuring the network
Applies to
- NetApp HCI
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) versions 1.8 and 1.9
One of more of the following symptoms apply:
- NDE fails at between 11-75% in the configuring the network task, changing network settings of the storage nodes
- Bond1G (management) address is assigned to the storage node but Bond10G (storage) is not
- Some nodes are configured with static Bond10G interface and others are configured with DHCP (APIPA address)
- The Bond Mode on the Bond10G interfaces of storage nodes is set to ActivePassive instead of LACP
- NDE shows
"The gateway is not valid"
during network validation - Error seen in the NDE logs:
post_response_validator:150 | DEBUG | Validate Network IPs network=storageIscsi
solidfireutils:348 | DEBUG | fan_out_test_address_availability: ip_list=[IPv4Address('<10G_storageA>'), IPv4Address('<10G_storageB>'), IPv4Address('<10G_storageC>'), <omitted>],
fabrixtools:1727 | WARNING | Interface Bond10G is already configured with 169.254.X.X