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High latency on SolidFire storage volume due to Max IOPs QoS set too low

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp Element software
  • NetApp SolidFire
  • NetApp HCI


  • High latencies reported against a SolidFire storage volume can be observed in different ways
  • If you are using VMware, the message "performance has deteriorated" will be observed in Monitor > Events:
2021-11-26 10_57_45-vSphere - NetApp-HCI-Datacenter - Events.png
  • In SolidFire Active IQ (AIQ) under Volumes > Active Volumes > Actions > View Details > Latency you will observe higher than expected latency values:

NetApp Element software

  • In the Element UI under Reporting > Volume Performance you will observe higher than expected latency values:

NetApp SolidFire

  • You will also notice during high latency that the throughput is hitting its highest peak based on the Max QoS set. Below example shows QoS Max of 15,000 IOPS with a max throughput of 100 MB/sec, but when you look on the overall cluster performance is relatively very low:

NetApp HCI

  • Cluster overall performance shows barely hitting 5% 

NetApp HCI



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