What does the SolidFire AIQ event iSCSI session reinstatement count increase mean?
Applies to
NetApp Element Software
The iSCSI session reinstatement count increases potentially when there are misconfigured clients, or where 2 clients are configured with same initiator IQN and attempt to login to the same volumes.
Another reason could be false positive events due to race conditions when the client detects a failure and attempts re-login before the target detects the original session has failed. This reason is why the limit before alerting is 200 every 60 minutes.
Additional Information
AIQ Event details :
iSCSI session reinstatement count: 1583 exceeds limit of 200 every 60 minutes, potential causes: host configuration (duplicate initiator IQNs), etc. recent detail: initiator: x-x-x target: x-x-x