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NetApp Knowledge Base

What does the SolidFire AIQ event iSCSI session reinstatement count increase mean?

Last Updated:

Applies to

NetApp Element Software


The iSCSI session reinstatement count increases potentially when there are misconfigured clients, or where 2 clients are configured with same initiator IQN and attempt to login to the same volumes.
Another reason could be false positive events due to race conditions when the client detects a failure and attempts re-login before the target detects the original session has failed. This reason is why the limit before alerting is 200 every 60 minutes.

Additional Information

AIQ Event details :
iSCSI session reinstatement count: 1583 exceeds limit of 200 every 60 minutes, potential causes: host configuration (duplicate initiator IQNs), etc. recent detail: initiator: x-x-x target: x-x-x
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