HCC shows "inventory.computeInventoryError"
Applies to
- NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC)
- Management Services 2.17.52
- NetApp SolidFire
HCC has a banner across the top of the page that displays an error:
"code": "inventory.computeInventoryError"
"message": "Error getting 6702c18c-7317-44ef-93fe-2490c8f3f0b6 info from compute-service: Error getting compute info : 400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST for url: http://xxxx"
"xx.xx.xx.xx" ->vCenter IP address
"code": "inventory.computeInventoryError",
"message": "Error getting 3121c414-2fa6-41b3-99aa-2ad78d8def8e info from compute-service: Error getting compute info: 424 Client Error: FAILED DEPENDENCY for url: http://vcenter-v2-svc/vcenter/1/compute/3121c414-2fa6-41b3-99aa-2ad78d8def8e",
"parameters": [