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NetApp Knowledge Base

One port of a compute node is flapping constantly

Last Updated:
1/21/2021, 9:37:11 AM

Applies to

NetApp HCI (Compute Nodes)


  • esxcli network nic list command executed at the compute node shows the Link Status as Down and Speed as 0 during flapping


  • Switch logs shows that the port that the flapping port connected to is going up and down constantly

011126: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to up
011129: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to down
011130: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to up
011133: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to down
011134: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to up
011135: .<DATE TIME>: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet2/0/18, changed state to down

  • vobd.log file shows the Failed criteria: 128 and down messages for the flapping port

<DATE TIME>: [netCorrelator] 2997223648873us: [] Uplink: vmnic3 is down. Affected portgroup: HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network. 1 uplinks up. Failed criteria: 128
<DATE TIME>: [netCorrelator] 2997223648874us: [] Uplink: vmnic3 is down. Affected portgroup: Management_Network. 1 uplinks up. Failed criteria: 128
<DATE TIME>: [netCorrelator] 2997223648971us: [] vmnic vmnic3 linkstate down
<DATE TIME>: [netCorrelator] 2997234550242us: [] Lost uplink redundancy on virtual switch "vSwitch0". Physical NIC vmnic3 is down. Affected port groups: "HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network", "HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network"

  • hostd log files shows up and down messages

<DATE TIME> info hostd[2155779] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.ha-eventmgr] Event 12675 : Lost uplink redundancy on virtual switch "vSwitch0". Physical NIC vmnic3 is down. Affected portgroups:"HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network", "HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network".
<DATE TIME> info hostd[2208542] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.ha-eventmgr] Event 12679 : Uplink redundancy restored on virtual switch "vSwitch0", portgroups: "HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network", "HCI_Internal_Storage_Management_Network", "Management_Network". Physical NIC vmnic3 is up.

  • vmkernel log files shows up and down messages

vmkernel.log:<DATE TIME> cpu14:2097827)ixgben: ixgben_CheckLink:2745: Link is down for device vmnic3 (0x4308a3c8f0c0)
vmkernel.log:<DATE TIME> cpu14:2097827)ixgben: ixgben_CheckLink:2745: Link is up for device vmnic3 (0x4308a3c8f0c0)



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