Where is the HCI hardening guide located?
Applies to
- NetApp HCI
A security hardening guide is available for various NetApp products including HCI.
See the NetApp HCI Security Hardening Guide for specifics on topics such as:
- Authentication
- Data Security and Integrity
- TLS and SSL (ciphers)
- Securing Protocols and Ports
Additional Information
Related topics and articles
Managing SSL certificates:
- Changing the Element software default SSL certificate
- What are the API methods for setting custom SSL certificates on the Element mNode
- How to install a signed certificate on NetApp Element software (CLI / PostMan examples)
HCI Security (general):
- NetApp HCI security (Encryption at Rest, MFA, FIPS, external key management)
- NetApp security advisories
- Security API methods
- SecureEraseDrives API
- External Key Management in Element 11.7 and later