How to regenerate a VASA provider certificate in vCenter
Applies to
- NetApp Element Plug-In for VMware vCenter Server
- VMware ESXi
- If issues are encountered with SSL certificates in vCenter, it's possible that users will be unable to manage VVOLs through the Element Plugin for vCenter (VCP) and will instead see SSL certificate errors.
- Storage provider may show active in vCenter but ESXi hosts show “Not Connected”. The vvol datastores show “(inactive)”.
- Example errors on the ESX host side (/var/log/vvold.log):
<DATE / TIME> warning vvold[2100222] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] VasaSession::GetEndPoint: failed to get endpoint, err=SSL Exception: Verification parameters:
--> PeerThumbprint: <thumbprint value>
--> ExpectedThumbprint:
--> ExpectedPeerName: <IP Address>
--> The remote host certificate has these problems:
--> * unable to get local issuer certificate, using default
<DATE / TIME> info vvold[2100222] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] VasaSession::Initialize url is empty
<DATE / TIME> warning vvold[2100222] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] VasaSession::DoSetContext: Empty VP URL for VP (<hostname>)!
<DATE / TIME> info vvold[2100222] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Initialize: Failed to establish connection