Management services upgade from 2.13.38 to 2.17.52 is failed at percentage 56
Applies to
- Management Services before 2.17.52
- NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC)
- Management Node(mNode) 12.2
- The management services can be updated to 2.16 successfully but when updating to 2.17.52, it is failed at 56% stage
- Cleanup and setup the mNode, then upgrade to 2.17.52 from 2.13.38, but still can’t proceed at percentage 56 as the status below
Example of
GET /services/update/latest
API on SwaggerUI :{
"current_version": "2.13.38",
"details": "Checking for newer version",
"downloaded": 1784757730,
"status": "in progress",
"update_percentage_complete": 56,<<<
"update_start_time": "2021-02-08T02:18:44.970055+00:00",
"updating_to_version": "2.17.52"
Example of HCC:
- After the mNode is rebooted, The HCC is showing as below