HCI NDE scale storage node failed on 'Validating Deployment Data'
Applies to
- NetApp HCI
- NetApp Deployment Engine (NDE) 1.9P1
- NetApp Element software 12.3.1
- The below error reports while using NDE to add a storage node
- NDE log shows
API call is failed due to taking too long on the 'Validating Deployment Data' stage.
2022-03-25T09:04:29.742321Z | 18246 | 117665464 | HCI-T73-task:14-Validate | sf_raw_api:87 | DEBUG | HTTP POST to URL [https://clustermastermip:442/json-rpc/11.0] with body [{"method": "EnableAutoip", "params": {}}]
2022-03-25T09:05:34.575597Z | 18246 | 117730296 | HCI-T73-task:14-Validate | sf_raw_api:91 | INFO | SolidFire Raw API POST took 64.83 seconds and returned status_code=200, body={'error': {'code': 500, 'message': 'Failed to start AvahiClient={Bond10G pidfile=[/var/run/avahi-autoipd.Bond10G.pid]}', 'name': 'xCheckFailure'}, 'id': None}