CSTARS - AutoSupport Message
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
Event Summary
CSTARS is an AutoSupport message regarding Cassandra related issues
- CassandraCommunicationError - The nodes that run the Cassandra service are having trouble communicating with each other.
- LowMetadataStorage - The space available for storing object metadata is low
- HighJavaHeapMemoryUsage - A high percentage of Java heap space is being used.
- CassandraRepairProgressSlow - The progress of Cassandra database repairs is slow.
- CassandraRepairServiceNotAvailable - The Cassandra repair service is not available.
- CassandraRepairMetricsOutOfDate - The metrics that describe Cassandra repair jobs are out of date
Refer to below links for a resolution on each alert:
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