StorageGRID Cassandra Repair Progress Slow - AutoSupport Message
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
Event Summary
StorageGRID reports CassandraRepairProgressSlow indicating the progress of Cassandra database repairs is slow. When database repairs are slow, Cassandra data consistency operations are impeded. If this condition persists for more than 48 hours, client queries, such as bucket listings, might show deleted data.
Go to Support > Metrics > Cassandra Network Overview > Reaper Repair Percentage and verify if this is on 100%
- Confirm that all Storage Nodes are online and there are no networking-related alerts.
- Monitor this alert for up to 2 days to see if the issue resolves on its own.
- Upgrade to the latest StorageGRID 11.5 or StorageGRID 11.6 as there are several fixes for this alert.
- Cassandra repair progress slow alert in StorageGRID 11.4
- Cassandra repair progress slow alert and frequent cassandra-reaper service restarts on StorageGRID 11.4
- How to monitor Repair Status in StorageGRID 11.4
- StorageGRID Cassandra reaper repairs stopped
- StorageGRID detects "Cassandra repair progress slow" alert due to NOT_STARTED repair
- Refer to below knowledge base articles:
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