Persistent blockClusterFull alerts on Element storage cluster
Applies to
- NetApp SolidFire Storage Nodes
- NetApp H-series Storage Nodes
- NetApp Element software
Errors seen in NetApp SolidFire Active IQ alerts may include:
Severity: Warning | Error: blockClusterFull | Details: Add additional capacity or free up capacity as soon as possible
Severity: Warning | Error: blockClusterFull | Details: Due to high capacity consumption, Helix data protection will not recover if a node fails. Creating new Volumes or Snapshots is not permitted until additional capacity is available. Add additional capacity or free up capacity immediately
Note: There is not enough free block storage space to support a single node loss. To resolve this fault, add another storage to the storage cluster
Note: The error does not self-resolve nor are any storage nodes in the cluster are offline or removed recently