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NetApp HCI Element upgrade using HCC failed

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp HCI upgrade using HCC
  • Management services 2.15.x or earlier
  • NetApp HCI upgrade using staging option


  1. The upgrade fails without no progress bar in HCC
  2. Click on check log

Storage cluster upgrade: Failed : Staging storage node <NODENAME> failed. Try increasing QOS on the NetApp-HCI-storage-service-pakages volume and retry the operation.

Error seen in the mnode docker logs:2020-10-08 23:42:56: Transient API call failure method = Download retry 3/56
2020-10-08 23:58:56: Connection Error: Unable to communicate with {}.
Possible reasons: cluster is experiencing high latency, network communication issues between nodes and management node, or nodes are up but no valid API response received.
Re-run the command after making sure all cluster nodes are up and running and network communication between management node and storage nodes is working.



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