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NetApp Knowledge Base

Why did AutoSupport not create a case for my NetApp node?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9


  • A condition occurred where an AutoSupport should have generated a case automatically.
  • Although NetApp received the AutoSupport message, no case was generated.
  • The process that generates cases from AutoSupports use the storage appliance's system ID to link the right record(s) with the case. If the system is not in Support even if the serial number is, then a case will not be created. Work with your account team to make sure the correct system ID is associated with your NetApp storage appliances in NetApp Support Site.
  • System ID changes can happen when motherboard or Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) swaps are done.
  • Therefore, it is good practice to follow up with your account team after performing any of these procedures.
  • Note: No case will be created when customer's support contract has expired or their entitlement information is wrong in SAP.


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