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NetApp Knowledge Base

SwitchPsuFanNotOperational_Alert - Autosupport Message

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
    • Metrocluster Fabric Switches
    • Cluster Network swtiches
    • NetApp Cluster Switch
    • Broadcom Switches
    • Cisco Switches
    • Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchPsuFanNotOperational_Alert

Event Summary

The SwitchPsuFanNotOperational_Alert is sent when there is a power supply for a fan on the cluster switch, but while the power supply for the fan indicates that it is operational, the fan status itself indicates that the fan is not operational. 


AutoSupport Message

HA Group Notification from Node Name (Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchPsuFanNotOperational_Alert[Switch Name(Serial Numer)/PowerSupply-1 Fan-1]) ALERT


event log show -severity * -message-name callhome*

[node1: mgwd:]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchPsuFanNotOperational_Alert[Switch_Name(########)/PowerSupply-2 Fan-1].

Command line

system health alert show -node <node name> -monitor cluster-switch -alert-id SwitchPsuFanNotOperational

                      Node: Node01
                   Monitor: cluster-switch
            Class of Alert: SwitchPsuNotOperational_Alert
         Severity of Alert: Major
            Probable Cause: Out_of_service
Probable Cause Description: "Fan Module-3" on switch "Switch Name(Switch Name)" is not functioning properly.
           Possible Effect: Cooling of switch "Switch Name(Serial Number)" might be degraded.
        Corrective Actions: 1) Use the switch CLI to verify that the fan is functioning at the expected speed.                                          2) Replace the fan, if it is not operational. 


  1. Verify the power supply is installed.
  2. Verify the power supply is receiving power.
  3. Replace the power supply if it is determined to be defective.
  • NOTE: If this was part of a planned maintenance activity, please update the coresponding NetApp Support Case 


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