FAS9000 SP status degraded after reboot
Applies to
- FAS9000
- After a reboot, one of the nodes reports the SP status as degraded:
cluster1::*> system service-processor show
Node Type Status Configured Version IP Address
------------- ---- ----------- ------------ --------- -------------------------
cluster1-03 SP online true 4.11
cluster1-04 SP degraded true 4.11
- When looking sysconfig -a, we see the SP degraded, as well as no network configuration present:
Service Processor Status: Degraded
IPMI: ok
PKT: failed
Firmware Version: 4.11
Mgmt MAC Address: 00:A0:98:C1:F7:C4
Ethernet Link: unknown
Using DHCP: yes
IPv4 configuration:
IP Address: unknown
Netmask: unknown
Gateway: unknown
- An EMS alert is also raised for "SPNotConfiguredAlert":
[cluster1-04: nphmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SPNotConfiguredAlert , Alerting Resource = SP Config raised by monitor controller