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NetApp Knowledge Base

Disk Missing - AutoSupport Message

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • HA Group Notification from ClusterA-01 (FILESYSTEM DISK MISSING) ERROR
  • HA Group Notification from ClusterA-01 (SPARE DISK MISSING) ERROR
  • Data ONTAP 8 7-mode
  • ONTAP 9
  • raid.disk.missing:info

Event Summary

Disk Missing AutoSupport messages are sent whenever ONTAP detects that a drive that was assigned to the node is no longer present.


  • Event logs will report the details of the missing drive:

event log show -severity INFORMATIONAL -event *filesystem.disk.missing*

Mon Apr 06 18:36:20 UTC [Nodename: config_thread: raid.config.filesystem.disk.missing:info]: File system Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg3/0b.04.22 Shelf 4 Bay 22 [NETAPP   X477_SMBPE04TA07 NA00] S/N [XX1234567] UID [5000C500:AE235FDF:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] is missing.

Mon Apr 06 18:37:00 UTC [Nodename: config_failed_disk: callhome.fdsk.missing:error]: Call home for FILESYSTEM DISK MISSING


  • Use storage disk show -shelf <shelf_number> and the shelf number identified in the alert to check the drive:

ClusterA::> storage disk show -shelf 0
                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
1.0.0               546.9GB     0   0 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.1               546.9GB     0   1 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.3               546.9GB     0   3 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.4               546.9GB     0   4 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.5               546.9GB     0   5 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.6               546.9GB     0   6 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.7               546.9GB     0   7 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.8               546.9GB     0   8 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.9               546.9GB     0   9 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.10              546.9GB     0  10 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.11              546.9GB     0  11 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.12              546.9GB     0  12 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.13              546.9GB     0  13 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.14              546.9GB     0  14 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.15              546.9GB     0  15 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.16              546.9GB     0  16 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.17              546.9GB     0  17 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.18              546.9GB     0  18 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.19              546.9GB     0  19 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.20              546.9GB     0  20 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.21              546.9GB     0  21 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.22              546.9GB     0  22 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.23              546.9GB     0  23 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
23 entries were displayed.

  • Drive 1.0.2 is missing in the example above.


Review the following possible causes of the disk missing alert:

  1. Is there maintenance in progress?
  1. Check if the drive is physically present in the shelf bay
  1. Was the ownership removed from a partitioned drive -  Bug # 1403752
  1. Has the drive become visible again?
    • Check storage disk show -shelf <shelf_number> around 30 minutes after the first alert.
  1. If none of the above steps provide an explanation and the drive is still not present, contact NetApp Technical Support for further assistance.

Additional Information


NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.