CONFIGURATION_ERROR reported due to power supply fault
Applies to
- DS2246 disk shelves
- DS4243 disk shelves
- DS212 disk shelves
Configuration issue is reported on the disk shelves due to power supply fault as shown below:
Sat Mar 06 02:33:15 GMT [Nodename: ses_admin: ses.psu.powerReqError:critical]: Not enough power supplies are present in channel ## disk shelf 37 to satisfy disk drive and shelf power requirements.
Sat Mar 06 02:33:15 GMT [Nodename: statd: monitor_shelf_configError_1:critical]: params: {'channel': 'XXX'}
Sat Mar 06 02:33:15 GMT [Nodename: statd: callhome.config:warning]: Call home for CONFIGURATION_ERROR
Sat Mar 06 02:33:00 GMT [Nodename: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:critical]: Power Supply Status Critical. Disk shelf fault. Disk shelf configuration error.