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StorageGRID appliance in unknown state and SANtricity System Manager also unavailable

Last Updated:

Applies to

NetApp StorageGRID Appliance


  • StorageGRID Appliance node is in unknown state after a maintenance performed on the node (reboot, upgrade, expansion) and/or SANtricity System Manager isn't available (Connection refused)
  • To confirm you're experiencing the issue, open an SSH session to the node and check syslog for the following sequence of events:

root@StorageGRID-PGE:~# tail /var/log/syslog

Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] ERROR -- Socket error while attempting to recv all. timed out
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] ERROR -- Connection problem while making SYMbol request.
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SYMbol/", line 1965, in _call_interface
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] return self._rpc_request(t["value"], t["max_wait"], in_obj, out_obj, t["req_auth"])
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SYMbol/", line 2077, in _rpc_request
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] buf = self._recv_all(4, float(timeout))
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SYMbol/", line 1996, in _recv_all
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] recvd = self._socket.recv(num_bytes - bytes_read, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] timeout: timed out
Oct  4 12:46:02 StorageGRID-PGE root: [2021-10-04 12:46:02+00:00 SGA] ERROR -- Connection to agent failed

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