StorageGRID Appliance gets stuck at "Rebooting" during or after a maintenance or upgrade procedure
Applies to
- NetApp StorageGRID Appliance SG6000
- NetApp StorageGRID Appliance SGF6024
- NetApp StorageGRID Appliance 57xx
A storage node appliance going through maintenance activity like an upgrade or a SG6000-CN headswap fails to boot and stuck in "Rebooting" stage within the management interface.
To confirm diagnosis:
- Connect to SANtricity System Manager
- Navigate to Storage >> Hosts
- Click View/Edit Settings
- Switch to the "Host Ports" tab in the pop-up
- Issue likely exists if:
- There are less than (4) host ports (SG6060 or SGF6024) or less than (2) host ports (SG5712, SG5760),
- OR if the "Label" string for any of the host ports is not equal to the "Host Port" string
- Except with 0x prepended, all colons removed, and uppercase letters A-F converted to lowercase
- A good example should display results similar to this
- NOTE: The SG6000 series uses 4 host ports while the SG5700 series has only 2 host ports
- Issue likely exists if:
- A bad example
- NOTE: This is SG6000 series and we have both a missing port as well as a mislabeled port. Both will require manual intervention