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SolidFire and HCI upgrades unable to start due to upgrade package upload error

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp SolidFire
  • NetApp HCI
  • All versions of NetApp Element software
  • Both supported upgrade methods - Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC) and REST API
  • All component upgrades related NetApp SolidFire and NetApp HCI:
    • NetApp Element software
    • NetApp Management services for NetApp Element software and HCI
    • Storage node firmware
    • Compute node firmware


  • While trying to start an upgrade the upload of the upgrade package fails.
  • Depending on the upgrade method and component being upgraded, one of the following error messages will be displayed:
When upgrading using Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC):
  • Component: Element software
    • Error: The upload was unsuccessful. Try again. If the issues persists, contact your technical support engineer.
  • Component: Management services
    • Error: The uploaded file is not a valid upgrade package. Upload another package and try again.
  • Component: Storage Node Firmware
    • Error: The upload was unsuccessful. Try again. If the issue persists, contact your technical support engineer.
  • Component: Compute Node Firmware
    • Error: The uploaded file is not a valid upgrade package. Upload another package and try again.
When upgrading using REST API:
  • Component: Element software
    • Error message: "message": "Package PGP signature verification failed. Try uploading again. If the issue persists, contact your technical support engineer."
  • Component: Management services
    • Error message: "error": "update.invalidPackage", "message": "Invalid tarfile uploaded: Invalid signature <signature string>"
  • Component: Storage Node or Compute Node Firmware
    • Error message: "message": "Package PGP signature verification failed. Try uploading again. If the issue persists, contact your technical support engineer."


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