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NetApp Knowledge Base

AutoSupport Message: NodeHardwareFault

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp Element software
  • SolidFire AFA
  • NetApp HCI
  • NetApp SF-series
  • NetApp H-series


This article describes various alert types generated by NetApp storage clusters running Element Software, with corresponding troubleshooting references.

Error Code Error Details Severity Component
memoryUsageThreshold System memory is very low. Adding additional nodes or manually purging deleted volumes may help reduce memory usage. Error Memory
memoryUsageThreshold System memory is low. Adding additional nodes or manually purging deleted volumes may help reduce memory usage. Warning Memory
powerSupplyError Power supply PS2 input missing or out of range. Warning Power Supply
powerSupplyError Power supply PS1 input missing or out of range. Warning Power Supply
hardwareConfigMismatch The drive in slot <x> should be using firmware version <y>, but is using unsupported version <z> Warning Firmware (NIC)
nodeHardwareFault NETWORK_FIRMWARE_VERSION_ETH0 should be == 7.10.18-solidfire-5f3ccbc781d53 but is FFV7.10.18 bc 7.10.11 Warning Firmware (NIC)
nodeHardwareFault "Hardware fault ID 826 text=NETWORK_FIRMWARE_VERSION_ETH2 should be == 3.2d 0x80000b4b 1.1767.0 but is 3.2d 0x80000b4b 1.1681.0" Warning Firmware (NIC)
hardwareConfigMismatch Incorrect Block drive size (1.01GB)/(0.00) for the drive in slot x for this node type - expected xx Warning Drive (Hardware)
tempSensor Temperature sensor Inlet Temp is over temperature. Warning Temperature Sensor

Incorrect bios setting "CPU_CORES_01" should be == <x>but is <y>

Warning BIOS Settings
hardwareConfigMismatch Parse failure in /var/log/ should be == false but is true Warning Hardware Configuration


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