Troubleshooting replacing motherboard with TPM chip and OKM configured
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.8 and later
- Platforms that support Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
- Onboard Key Manager (OKM)
- The following issue will occur when the TPM motherboard is replaced on ONTAP 9.8 and later with platforms which have TPM chip and OKM enabled if the TPM chip generated seal is not updated in the OKM hiearchy.
- When replacing a FAS or AFF motherboard equipped with a TPM chip, TPM license installed and using encrypted data (non-root) volumes, NVE volumes will go offline if giveback vetoes are overridden. You will see gb.sfo.veto.kmgr.keysmissing events:
::> event log show -message-name gb.sfo.veto.kmgr.keysmissing
<date> <time> <node-name> ERROR gb.sfo.veto.kmgr.keysmissing: Giveback of aggregate <aggr-name> failed due to unavailability of volume encryption keys for the encrypted volumes of the aggregate on the partner node <node-name>.
- When replacing a FAS or AFF motherboard equipped with a TPM chip, TPM license installed and using encrypted root volumes, the system will not boot while the TPM is configured and the root volume is encrypted (Bug ID 1480977). Upon boot, you will see the error:
Jun 08 12:05:30 [node1:crypto.okmrecovery.failed:ALERT]: ERROR: Import of the onboard key hierarchy failed: failed to import key hierarchy. Additional information: error: ssal unseal failed.
- Bug ID 1416279 is open as a request to automate this process.