Service Processor firmware update fails
Applies to
- Service Processor
- Firmware upgrade
This document provides alternative methods for updating the Service Processor (SP/BMC) firmware when the standard update procedure, as detailed on the download page, is unsuccessful.
Encountered errors during firmware update attempts may include:
[xxx:sp.orftp.failed:warning]: SP communication error, receiver unable to create file.
[xxx:sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed due to missing Metadata in backup.
"Installing package...grep: /mnt/jffs2_rootfs_backup/install/Metadata: No such file or directory"
[xxx:sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed, error sending file /etc/RLM_FW/root-fs/usr/local/bin/forensics_config.
[xxx:sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed, Timeout while waiting for rsp type 5.
[xxx:sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed, error sending checksum to SP.
"Unarchiving package...grep: /tmp/fud_eth/RLM_FW/install/Metadata: No such file or directory"
[sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed, unable to locate SP firmware description file.
[xxx:sp.firmware.update.failed:warning]: SP firmware update failed, incompatible version with existing RLM flash type.
"Firmware install failed. Error message: Metadata info not present in destination partition."
Example command and response:
> sp update http://web_server_name/path/sp_fw.tar.gz
Downloading package...
Uncompressing package...
FW package unzip failed.....FAILED
Cleaning up...
ERROR : SP FW Update Unsuccessful.
Caution: Prior to updating, consult the Firmware Compatibility Matrix and download the ONTAP supported firmware version.
- Using incompatible firmware may cause severe system issues.