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NetApp Knowledge Base

SHM set multi disk failed in Fabric MetroCluster

Last Updated:
3/3/2022, 7:55:24 AM

Applies to

  • Fabric-attached MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • Back-end Brocade Switches


  • There are many fci_device_quiesce, fci_device_timeout and SCSI access errors in EMS, which are set as failed by SHM when the threshold is exceeded.

01Mar2022 19:57:11 fci_device_quiesce adapterName="2c" deviceType="Disk" deviceName="SW_A1:9.126 (0x03050900)" lun="67" cdb="0x9a:0000000051764000:0001:0128" retryCount="0"
01Mar2022 19:57:13 fci_device_timeout adapterName="2c" deviceType="Disk" deviceName="SW_A1:9.126 (0x03050900)" lun="67" cdb="0x2a:6fc80068:0008" retryCount="0"
01Mar2022 19:57:13 scsi_cmd_abortedByHost deviceType="Disk" deviceName="SW_A1:9.126L67" ha_status="0x4" cdb="0x9a:0000000051763f18:0001:00e8" disk_information=""
01Mar2022 19:57:13 scsi_cmd_retrySuccess deviceType="Disk" deviceName="SW_A2:9.126L67" retryCount="1" freeRetryCount="0" cdb="0x2a:6fc80068:0008" dTime="10001"
01Mar2022 20:47:15 shm_threshold_consecutiveTimeouts diskName="SW_A2:9.126L67" count="11"
01Mar2022 20:47:15 scsi_debug debug_string="shm_setup_for_failure disk SW_A2:9.126L67 (S/N xxxxxxxx) error 4000h"
01Mar2022 20:47:15 raid_config_filesystem_disk_failed disk_info="Disk /aggr0/plex6/rg0/SW_A2:9.126L67 Shelf 10 Bay 14 [NETAPP X371_S1643960ATE NA53] S/N [XXXXXXXX] failure_reason="disk driver urgently recommended failing the disk" carrier="" site="Remote"

  • Check SAN Switch supportshow, will found some port connect ATTO that encountered sfp power issue.


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