Multiple luns show paths unavailable on the windows host
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.1P20
- Windows host
- Multiple luns show path unavailable on the windows host.
on host shows:
Path ID State SCSI Address Weight
0000000077030003 Unavailable 003|000|003|035 0
TPG_State: October , TPG_Id: 1000, TP_Id: 3
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator... (B|D|F: 000|000|000)
Controller: xxxxxxxxxxxxx (State: Active)
0000000077030002 Unavailable 003|000|002|035 0
TPG_State: October , TPG_Id: 1000, TP_Id: 1
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator... (B|D|F: 000|000|000)
Controller: xxxxxxxxxxx (State: Active)
0000000077030001 Active/Unoptimized 003|000|001|035 0
TPG_State: Active/Unoptimized, TPG_Id: 1001, TP_Id: 2
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator... (B|D|F: 000|000|000)
Controller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (State: Active)
0000000077030000 Active/Unoptimized 003|000|000|035 0
TPG_State: Active/Unoptimized, TPG_Id: 1001, TP_Id: 4
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator... (B|D|F: 000|000|000)
Controller: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (State: Active)
- ONTAP shows the paths are in transitioning state:
netapp::*> debug san lun show-target-port-groups /vol/test/testlun
Vserver Node Path Target Port Groups
------- -------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------
xxxx /test/test1lun
xxxxxxx 3e9 Active/Optimized: 4
3e8 Transitioning: 3
3e9 Active/Optimized: 2
3e8 Transitioning: 1
xxxxxx 3e9 Active/Optimized: 4
3e8 Transitioning: 3
3e9 Active/Optimized: 2
3e8 Transitioning: 1
xxxxxxx /vol/test/test1lun
xxxxxxxx 3e9 Transitioning: 4
3e8 Active/Optimized: 3