Multiple disk failures on newly added DS224C shelf
Applies to
- DS224C
- After adding a new shelf to a stack, multiple drives failing with SCSI connection errors similar to:
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.underrun:error]: Disk device 0a.00.20: Received a data underrun: cdb 0x88:00000001839149d8:000001f8. Not all the data was received. Possible transmission error. I/O will be retried.
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.retrySuccess:debug]: Disk device 0a.00.20: request successful after retry #1/#0: cdb 0x88:00000001839149d8:000001f8 (2).
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.underrun:error]: Disk device 0a.00.16: Received a data underrun: cdb 0x88:000000019bd9b2b0:00000170. Not all the data was received. Possible transmission error. I/O will be retried.
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.retrySuccess:debug]: Disk device 0a.00.16: request successful after retry #1/#0: cdb 0x88:000000019bd9b2b0:00000170 (2).
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.abortedByHost:error]: Disk device 0a.00.8: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0x88:0000000199f0dc80:00000008.
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.abortedByHost:error]: Disk device 0a.00.8: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0x88:0000000199f0dcb8:00000008.
ntap-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.abortedByHost:error]: Disk device 0a.00.8: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0x88:0000000199f0dcd8:00000008.
- Drives are all new
- Errors seen on both A and B paths