CHW-268: False-positive reports of aged NVMEM battery causes ONTAP to shutdown
- On some storage systems, the nonvolatile memory (NVMEM) battery's gauge prematurely reports a low capacity that causes sensor readings that drop below threshold values, which in turn, may cause ONTAP to shut down.
- The following models are potentially affected:
- AFF A220, AFF A150, AFF C190, ASA A150, FAS2750, FAS2720
- EMS log shows the following events:
Jul 24 09:33:10 [node1:nvmem.battery.fccLowCrit:EMERGENCY]: The NVMEM battery full-charge capacity is critically low (32 ). To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 20 minutes. Jul 24 09:33:40 [node1:callhome.battery.failure:EMERGENCY]: Call home for BATTERY (full charge capacity low) CRITICAL.