CHW-2403: MismatchedHAPairtoPortRangeB_Alert after update to ONTAP 9.13.1P6
- ONTAP alert updating ONTAP from version 9.12.1P11 to ONTAP 9.13.1P6. Example:
[Monitor system-connect system-connect]
[Alert ID MismatchedHAPairtoPortRangeB_Alert]
[Alerting Resource cluster+switch(FSO0123456798)]
[Subsystem SAS-connect_Cluster]
[Indication Time Mon May 20 16:23:12 2024]
[Perceived Severity Major]
[AutoSupport Triggered true]
[Probable Cause Configuration_error]
[Corrective Action]
[ 1. Consult the guide "Setup and configuration guide for Cisco shared switches" to review the cabling rules for your system.]
[ 2. Connect controller "ukdc128023-03" and its HA partner to NVMe shelves with shared switches in the same port range.]
[Node ID node_name]
[Enable Asup for This Alert true]
[Alert Clear Time Mon May 20 16:53:12 2024]
[- Storage cabling is correct.]
[- No other errors reported in the storage cabling]