System Manager ONTAP 9.7 image upload fails with multipart/form-data error
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.5P10 and earlier or ONTAP 9.6 - 9.6P6
- Upgrading to 9.7 and above
When attempting to upgrade a cluster to ONTAP 9.7 with a local software image upload from System Manager, the image upload fails with the following error messages:
- In Cloud Manager, the upgrade screen will hang and the first node in the upgrade will reboot, even though the image wasn't installed.
- In System Manager:
Failed to add the software image to the cluster.
The request body must have content type multipart/form-data with a field named "file" containing the file to upload.
- In EMS events:
[Cluster01: notifyd:]: Failed to upload a file because a form field named "file" was not found in the HTTP request, or the Content-Type HTTP header is not "multipart/form-data".