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NetApp Knowledge Base

What will happen when my Autosupport Certificate in ONTAP expires?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Autosupport


EMS message

mgmtgwd.certificate.expiring: A digital certificate with Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) AddTrustExternalCARoot, Serial Number 01, Certificate Authority 'AddTrust External CA Root' and type server-ca for Vserver (vserver) will expire in the next (--) day(s).

  • Nothing will happen. You will continue to send Autosupports using HTTPS and continue to authenticate with
  • NetApp renewed the X.509 server certificate using an existing unexpired root CA included in the ONTAP certificate truststore bundle
  • No further action is required
  • Certificate expiring

cluster1::> security certificate show -common-name Ad*
Vserver    Serial Number   Certificate Name             Type
---------- --------------- ---------------------------- ------------
cluster1   01              AddTrustExternalCARoot      server-ca
    Certificate Authority: AddTrust External CA Root
          Expiration Date: Sat May 30 10:48:38 2020

  • New signed Certificate (pre-existing in the truststore bundle)

cluster1::*> security certificate show -vserver cluster1 -common-name AAACertificateServices
Vserver    Serial Number   Common Name                            Type
---------- --------------- -------------------------------------- ------------
           01              AAACertificateServices                 server-ca
    Certificate Authority: AAA Certificate Services
          Expiration Date: Sun Dec 31 18:59:59 2028

Additional Information



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