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Brocade Switch appears in hung state with transient i2c faults

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Brocade 6520 Fabric OS (FOS) versions prior to 7.4.0
  • Other Brocade models running FOS versions prior to 7.3.1a 


  • One or more ports or components on the Brocade switch may go offline permanently. 
  • Additionally, the switch may become unresponsive to SSH or web commands in some situations. 
  • I2C access failures leading to various symptoms such as:
  1. slotshow command output may flag some components with an "*", indicating no i2c access to that component.
  2. switchshow command output may indicate “Speed Mismatch / Incompatible SFP
  3. tempshow command output may display "unknown"
  4. Console log (dmesg) may include:

pcf954x_select_mux: Failed to select the I2C mux (addr=76, val=08, err=-1 id=0)!

• In the RAS logs, look for the below errors.

 [HIL-5010], 17389714/0, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, Warning, license id access problems (-4)!!, hil_sb_wwn_conf, line:   232, comp:secd, 
 [LIC-5015], 17389715/0, CHASSIS, ERROR, Brocade6520, Failed to get WWN from HIL. Return code -4 . , id.c, line: 80,      comp:secd, 
 [LIC-5002], 17389716/0, CHASSIS, ERROR, Brocade6520, Error reading license records. , db.c, line: 314, comp:secd, 
 [EM-5010], 17389717/0, CHASSIS, WARNING, Brocade6520, wwn card slot_out ignored for onboard fru seeprom, OID:0x46100000,   power.c, line: 3414, comp:emd, 

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