Unable to run any MAPS related command in Brocade FOS
Applies to
- Brocade FOS prior to v8.2.1d
- Brocade DCX,X6 Director Switches
- Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS)
- Post enabling MAPS custom policy, you are unable to run any command related to MAPS from CLI and are encountered with following error message:
"Failed - MAPS is not yet active. Please try again after some time."
- errdump log show following events, where mdd (MAPS daemon) gets terminated followed by HA state out of sync event.
2020/05/15-15:27:41, [MAPS-1110], 150350, SLOT 1 | FID 128, INFO, X6_A_Default, Policy maps_moderate_policy is created.
2020/05/15-15:27:42, [MAPS-1113], 150351, SLOT 1 | FID 128, INFO, X6_A_Default, Policy maps_moderate_policy activated.
SWD: SWD:swd_scan_timer:md(2787) failed to refresh (2926386238:29263
SWD: SWD:swd_close_proc:Detected termination of mdd:2787 (4)
SWD: SWD:swd_close_proc:exit code:134, exit sig:17, parent sig:0
2020/05/15-15:35:56, [KSWD-1002], 150352, SLOT 1 | FFDC | CHASSIS, WARNING, X6_A, Detected termination of process mdd:2787.
Service instances out of sync
2020/05/15-15:35:56, [FSSM-1003], 150353, SLOT 2 | CHASSIS, WARNING, X6_A, HA State out of sync.
2020/05/15-15:35:56, [FSSM-1003], 150354, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, WARNING, X6_A, HA State out of sync.
X6_A_Default:FID128:admin> hashow
Local CP (Slot 1, CP0): Active, Cold Recovered
Remote CP (Slot 2, CP1): Standby, Healthy
HA enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State not in sync