AutoSupport Message: ntpServerUnreachable and ntpTimeNotInSync
- Views:
- 1,791
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- element-software
- Specialty:
- solidfire
- Last Updated:
- 11/7/2024, 9:21:30 AM
Applies to
- NetApp Element software
- NetApp SolidFire AFA
- NetApp HCI
One or both of the following alerts shows in the Cluster UI (https://<mvip>
) and in NetApp SolidFire Active IQ:
Alert: ntpServerUnreachable
- Details:
NTP server not reachable: <IP or Hostname of NTP Server> Check NTP, DNS, network and firewall configuration
Alert: ntpTimeNotInSync
- Details:
The difference between storage cluster time and the specified NTP server time is too large. The storage cluster cannot correct the difference automatically.