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E-Series replacement controller does not complete boot up process

Last Updated:
7/6/2022, 12:40:28 PM

Applies to

  • NetApp E-Series
  • Controller Platforms: E2800, E5700 and associated EF-series
  • All E-Series SANtricity OS


  • After a Controller Replacement the replacement controller does not complete Start-Of-Day (SOD). The controller may be in OE LU lock down after five reboots.
  • Automatic code syncronization fails on the replacement controller. The following errors are seen during SOD process:
05/27/22-13:28:41 (sntpEventTask): NOTE: sntpEventHandler:SOD not complete; skipping NTP sync.
05/27/22-13:29:01 (tRAID): ERROR: utilMessaging protocol connect status -1 errno 65
05/27/22-13:29:01 (tRAID): ERROR: ACS error connecting to download manager
05/27/22-13:29:01 (tRAID): NOTE: ACS: download manager is idle
05/27/22-13:29:01 (tRAID): NOTE: ACS: autoCodeSync(): Process start. Comm Status: 1
05/27/22-13:29:01 (tRAID): NOTE: ACS m_AltUnifiedACSMode: 1
05/27/22-13:29:04 (tRAID): NOTE: ACS required -sync from Drives:false
05/27/22-13:29:04 (tRAID): NOTE: ACS: autoCodeSync(): Waiting for Dom0 image transfer to complete.
05/27/22-13:29:11 (sntpEventTask): NOTE: sntpEventHandler:SOD not complete; skipping NTP sync.
  • The Alternate original Controller will show the following during the SOD process for the replacement:
05/27/22-11:12:49 (iacTask5): NOTE: ACS: Acs Needed on Alt: Yes, StateCode: 1, ReasonCode = 4
05/27/22-11:12:49 (iacTask5): NOTE: PN3acs19NativeForeignClientE:constructor
05/27/22-11:12:49 (iacTask5): NOTE: NativeForeignClientManager::Connecting/Reconnecting
05/27/22-11:12:49 (iacTask5): NOTE: NativeForeignClient::initialize: m_Port=20012, m_AltHost=dom0-alt
05/27/22-11:12:52 (iacTask5): NOTE: PN3acs19NativeForeignClientE::handle_close
05/27/22-11:12:52 (iacTask5): NOTE: PN3acs19NativeForeignClientE:destructor
05/27/22-11:12:52 (iacTask5): ERROR: NativeForeignClient::initialize: error=No route to host
05/27/22-11:14:22 (tVkiTimer): WARN: AcsManager::allowRebootOnTimeout(): allowing ctlr reboots



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