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NetApp Knowledge Base

E-Series controller replacement fails when running SANtricity OS 11.70.4x

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp E-Series
  • NetApp StorageGRID Appliances
  • Replacement Controller (Headswap) Cases:
    • Simplex E-Series (i.e SG57xx) replacement where the original controller was running 11.70.4x or higher but replacement is running pre-11.70.4x
    • Duplex E-Series dual controller replacement at same time where the original controllers were running 11.70.4x but replacements are running pre-11.70.4x


  • Replacement controller(s) will not boot and lock down with OE L5 (Auto Code Syncronization failure) displayed on the 7-segment display on back of controller.
  • The controller console output (dom0-misc-logs-%.txt or log file in /var/log/eos) will show the following:

02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS: download manager is idle
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ActiveInfo:ver='' date='2021-12-08' time='19:35:23'
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS: Acs Needed on Alt: No, StateCode: 5, ReasonCode = 15
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  ACS findImages - 4 extents found for Dom0 Image
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  void acs::Image::determineDiskBlockSize(acs::Image::ExtentList&): Could not find a drive to set the block size
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  UINT32 acs::Image::getDiskBlockSize() const: DISK_BLOCK_SIZE has not been set yet!
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS findImages Dom0 error reading header
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  UINT32 acs::Image::getDiskBlockSize() const: DISK_BLOCK_SIZE has not been set yet!
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS findImages Dom0 error reading header
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  UINT32 acs::Image::getDiskBlockSize() const: DISK_BLOCK_SIZE has not been set yet!
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS findImages Dom0 error reading header
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  UINT32 acs::Image::getDiskBlockSize() const: DISK_BLOCK_SIZE has not been set yet!
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS findImages Dom0 error reading header

02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): WARN:  ACS no valid Dom0Image found
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS Dom0 getCompleteImages - 0  images to evaluate
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS no Dom0 images found - aborting request
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): NOTE:  ACS from drive image complete - status: -1
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): ERROR: ******************************************************
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): ERROR: * ACS Failed. Code sync was required, but it failed. *
02/02/23-17:55:54 (tRAID): ERROR: * Start of Day will be suspended on this controller  *




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