AutoSupport message: RLM HEARTBEAT STOPPED
Applies to
Data ONTAP 7 and earlier
The following error message is reported:
RLMHBS:Cluster Notification from package (RLM HBT STOPPED) CRITICAL
The configured-but-not-connected RLM card reports these errors in /etc/messages
file which may also generate autosupport emails.
RLM heartbeat stopped
Cluster Notifications continue to be sent from an RLM card which is not connected, generating alerts to the user (RLM HBT STOPPED) CRITICAL and generation of related autosupport emails. The RLM generating the error messages is not connected to the network.
This condition is not related to BUG 212716. Issuing the command rlm reboot
does not stop the messages from being generated because it does not reset the configuration of the RLM. For more information, see KB: Error: The software driver for the Remote LAN Module (RLM) has detected a problem: Configuration Error (1)